Take your trash – keep our rivers clean

Tuesday 24 December 2019
We’re targeting litter reduction in 2020 and you can be part of the solution. ‘Don’t be a Tosser!’ It’s a simple message, but many people make excuses to justify their littering behaviour.

We’re targeting litter reduction in 2020 and you can be part of the solution. ‘Don’t be a Tosser!’ It’s a simple message, but many people make excuses to justify their littering behaviour. This summer, you may be enjoying an ice-cream, a cold drink or having a picnic with family and friends by the Murray River. Please think about your rubbish and put it in the bin.

We are working to reduce litter in 2020 by stepping up litter enforcement patrols at recreation reserves and other high use areas. We are installing a new compactor bin at the boat ramp near Bellbridge and increasing signage to help you dispose of rubbish properly, so it doesn’t end up in our Rivers and waterways.

Compactor bins are an innovative solution to prevent litter blowing out of bins. These bins also improve waste management efficiency by compacting bin waste and sending electronic alerts when they need emptying.

We are a member of the Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) Murray Waste Group which received funding from the NSW EPA ‘Waste Less, Recycle More’ initiative funded from the waste levy to reduce litter entering the Murray River.

Please take our five minute community survey to help us target high litter areas along the Murray River.

Complete survey

You are encouraged to report littering by registering with the Report to EPA website and sharing the message ‘Don’t be a tosser!'.