AlburyCity takes a positive step towards reconciliation

Wednesday 27 April 2022
Council is pleased to present its draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2022- 2024 (RAP) to the community for feedback

April 27 2022

AlburyCity takes a positive step towards reconciliation

Council is pleased to present its draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2022- 2024 (RAP) to the community for feedback.

The RAP is AlburyCity’s formal commitment to reconciliation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. It is both a practical and a symbolic measure to advance real change through a suitably place-based, localised and culturally centred action plan.

The plan contains a range of actions and associated deliverables that Council has committed to implementing over the next two years. These initiatives will lead to better outcomes across health, wellbeing, education, culture and economic participation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

It will also provide the opportunity to build stronger and valued relationships based on mutual respect for the benefit of everyone in the community.

The RAP was developed in close consultation with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Yarning circles were held with local Aboriginal community groups to gain their insights into reconciliation, as well as small group and one-on-one meetings.

Have your say

Mayor Kylie King encouraged the community to have their say on the draft plan.

"Our city is defined by the relationships formed in our community, and we can only thrive when all members of our community feel welcomed, acknowledged and supported."

"Through positive and transformational action, we can ensure the health, wellbeing, success and cohesion of Albury is shared by everyone," Mayor King said.

The draft plan can be found on the AlburyCity website. Submissions close Wednesday 25 May 2022.

Artwork by Teisha Maksymow-McGuiness.