'Towards Albury 2050' brings the future into focus

Tuesday 21 June 2022
The Towards Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan has been finalised, which provides a long-term plan and vision for the Albury region.

June 21 2022

'Towards Albury 2050' brings the future into focus

The Towards Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan has been finalised, which provides a long-term plan and vision for the Albury region.

Developed by and for the Albury community, the plan outlines what is important to our community, and will provide the guiding light for the future of our city.

The community's vision for Albury is: A nationally significant regional city that is vibrant, diverse, innovative and connected, and inspired by its culture, environment and location on the Murray River.

This vision is supported by four key themes, under which are the things the community said were most important to them, actions we can take to make those things a reality, and who in the community needs to be involved.

A Growing Sustainable Economy is about ensuring our growing population is balanced by sustainable progress in business, industry and tourism. We also want to ensure our city is well-connected through our integrated transport network.

An Enhanced Natural Environment focuses on ways to protect and enhance our natural environment, adapt to the changing climate, and continue to lead the way in natural resource and waste management.

A Caring Community acknowledges that we are a diverse and welcoming community with an emphasis on physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. We want to ensure everyone has access to quality facilities, activities, and human services. We will take pride in celebrating our heritage and multiculturalism within our community.

A Leading Community focuses on having diverse and proactive leadership within our city, engaging and having strong working relationships with community, stakeholders and partners.

Mayor Kylie King thanked the community for their input into the plan.

"It's important to remember that Towards Albury 2050 isn't a Council plan, it's our community's plan," said Mayor King.

"Everyone has a role to play, whether it be different levels of government, businesses, community groups or individuals.

"I'd encourage everyone to take a look at the plan, and have a think about how you can play your part in making the vision for Albury a reality,” Mayor King said.

The plan can be found on our website.