Whether for recreation, fitness or the daily commute, more people are riding bicycles on NSW roads than ever before.

Unfortunately, Albury consistently records a higher number of crashes involving cyclists than both the South West Region and NSW.

Albury City and Transport for NSW support cyclists by providing a 50:50 match of funding to construct additional cycle ways throughout the city to promote safe cycling.

The AlburyCity Bicycle Plan

AlburyCity has developed a Bicycle Plan that highlights bicycle-related issues for Albury, analyses bicycle crashes in detail and outlines proposed works for the construction of cycle ways for the next five years.

Download our AlburyCity Bicycle Plan 2014-2019.

Cycle Lanes

The installation of cycle lanes between Wodonga Place and Olive Street provide a safer travel experience for all road users including pedestrians, motorists and cyclists. Additional cycle lanes on Smollett Street between Olive and Young Streets will allow cyclists to travel into the city via a dedicated lane.

The green marked cycle lanes require motorists to ensure that their vehicle is parked within their parking bay and not across the green cycle lane, otherwise fines will be imposed.

Cycling trails

Albury is served by a network of more than 40 kilometres of interlinked on-road and off-road trails and pathways providing cyclists and walkers with a safe and enjoyable means of exploring the city.

Cycling on the road

When cycling on the road it is important to be visible, predictable in your actions and aware of what is happening around you. You also need to wear a correctly fitted, approved bicycle helmet. For day riding, wear bright coloured clothing and reflective clothing at night. Lights and reflectors, front and back, are also needed for night riding.

As a bicycle rider always make sure you:

  • Give way to motorists and pedestrians when they have right of way
  • Cycle about a metre away from the kerb to avoid debris and from parked cars to avoid opening doors
  • Let people know your intentions by using hand signals when turning or changing lanes
  • Remember, eye contact with other road users is important to signal clear intention

For more information on Bicycle Safety visit Transport NSW

Using shared paths

Across NSW there are paths that can be used by both pedestrians and bicycle riders. To avoid collisions and make using these paths a pleasant experience, both pedestrians and bicycle riders need to look out for each other and follow a few simple rules.

As a bicycle rider always make sure you:

  • Keep to the left
  • Give way to pedestrians, slowing down or even stopping if needed
  • Use your bell or horn, if needed, to avoid a collision
  • Be particularly careful around older pedestrians, young children and dogs as they are often unpredictable

Always travel at a speed that promotes safety for you and the pedestrians you encounter.
When walking on a shared path be aware that cyclists can travel much faster and may suddenly appear around a corner or behind you.

As a pedestrian make sure you:

  • Keep to the left
  • Move off the path to the left if you wish to stop
  • Keep animals on short leads and under control