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Vacant to Vibrant Artist Expression of Interest

Local artists are encouraged to apply for our upcoming Vacant to Vibrant shopfront improvement program.

Albury City Council invites local* artists to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) to design art for the Vacant to Vibrant Shopfronts Project. Artists working in all mediums, including digital art, are encouraged to apply.

The project aims to transform empty shopfronts into a canvas for vibrant art decals and aligns with the Albury Retail Action Plan to ensure Albury remains a key service centre for the region by fostering investment and retail vibrancy. Our goal is to celebrate local artists, enhance our streetscape, and boost leasing opportunities.

All selected artworks will be digitised and printed as window decals, ensuring both traditional and digital artworks are seamlessly adapted for installation.

Theme: Imagine the Possibilities
Artists are encouraged to interpret this theme creatively and visually represent curiosity, opportunity, and vibrancy in their designs.

Applications open: Monday, 24 February 2025
Applications close:  Monday, 24 March 2025

*For the purpose of this project, artists will be considered “local” if they reside in one of the following
LGAs - Albury, Alpine, Federation, Greater Hume Shire, Indigo, Towong, Wangaratta, or Wodonga.

Please ensure you have thoroughly read the Artist Brief below to confirm your suitability for the program.

Artist Brief

In addition to filling out the below form, AlburyCity requires applicants to submit a *Schedule of Benefit to the Local Region.

Schedule of Benefit

*Please note that the Schedule of Benefit to the Local Region is a requirement for all AlburyCity procurement, reflecting our commitment to the local region. We understand that this may not be directly relevant to smaller artists or businesses, and don’t want this to discourage participation. While we encourage responses that align with local sourcing, we value the unique contributions of all vendors and will evaluate submissions on broader selection criteria.


Contact Details

Please note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Valid given name is required.
Valid family name is required.
Valid email address is required.


Artist Information

  • Up to 3 examples of previous artworks showcasing the artist’s creativity and quality of work
  • A completed Schedule of Benefit to the Local Region
  • A concept design proposal showcasing the artist's vision for the project

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions



Enquiries:, 02 6023 8111