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Parks and reserves

We care for more than 480 hectares of parks and reserves, popular for walking, bike riding, barbecues, picnics and swimming.

Ernest Grant Park - Sports Ground

Ernest Grant Park has an oval and synthetic cricket wicket.

Fredericks 18-08a
Fredericks (Turtle) Park

Albury's first Adventure Play Space, Fredericks Park is a great place for family gatherings.

Oddies Creek Park

Albury's premier children's playground, attracting more than 200,000 visitors a year.

Hume Gardens Park

Located in a residential area in Glenroy, this park has a playground, barbecue and seating.

Doulton Drive Park

A large open play space with play equipment, mature trees, sheltered seating and a kick-around area.

Day Street Park

Located near Padman Park, this open play space features a small playground and picnic tables shaded by large trees.

Lara Lakes Parkland

Large parkland with small playground and large lake bordering on nearby properties.

Morningside Park

Located in Central Albury, this park has as small playground, seating and kick around area.

June Court Playground

Located in a residential area, this is an open play space with a playground.

Endeavour Park

Located in North Albury, this small park has play equipment, skate/scooter elements, basketball area and kick around area with rugby goals.

Alexandra Way Playground

A small local playground with seating area.

Heathwood Park

Large open space with a dog-friendly off-leash area.

Noreuil Park Foreshore

Noreuil Park is a hub of activity, particularly in the warmer months. You'll find places for swimming, playing, running, relaxing and catching up with friends.

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Albury Skate Park

The Albury Skate Park is located next to the JC King Park netball courts on David Street.

Thurgoona Oval

Sporting ground in Thurgoona. Facilities include AFL oval, cricket pitch, netball courts and a small play space.

Patricia Gould Reserve

Located in West Albury, this is a large sub-regional level play space.

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Ernest Grant Park

A district level all-inclusive play space with skate bowl and bike pump track.

Brooklyn - Sign
Brooklyn Fields Community Park

Located in the Estate off Table Top Road, Brooklyn Fields Community Park has a range of activities for the family.

Eastern Hill Reserve

Eastern Hill is located to the east of the Albury CBD and allows for impressive views of Lake Hume and the Kiewa Valley from the ridgeline.

Kremur St Boat Ramp Trail
Kremur Street Boat Ramp Parkland

Riverside parkland with boat ramp and starting point for the Yindyamarra Sculpture Walk

Doctors Point Picnic Area

A small picnic area nestled in a natural landscape adjacent to the Murray River.

Apex Park (The Pines)

Known as The Pines, Apex Park is a popular parkland located on Lake Hume.

Bowna Waters Reserve

A large, relatively natural parkland on the foreshore of Lake Hume. Bowna Waters Reserve has many recreational facilities for users.

Table Top Reserve

Located North of Thurgoona in Table Top. This reserve has Lake Hume water frontage when the Lake is full. Water access recedes quickly as lake levels fall.

Gertrude Colquhuon Park

Located in Central Albury on the corner of Creek and Stanley Street. The Bungambrawartha Trail runs through the park.

Monument - Dec 2020
Monument Hill

Located at the western end of Dean Street, Monument Hill is one of Albury's most visited destinations with view the City and the surrounding region.

RGP - Play
Red Gum Park

Located in East Albury, this local park has a playground, seating, basketball and tennis facilities.

Avis Park

A small local park set in a residential area.

Hovell Tree Park

Large riverside park with a playground, barbecue, public toilets and open grassed area.

Gordon pump
Gordon Street Reserve

Gordon Street Reserve is one of five designated off leash areas for your dog to exercise and socialise with other animals. .

Billson Park

Billson Park is located opposite the Albury Skate Park. The park has a playground, BBQ and picnic table.

Billson Park Sportsground

Billson Park is located opposite the Albury Skate Park. The park has a playground, BBQ and picnic table.

Mungabareena Reserve

Mungabareena Reserve is another popular swimming and picnic area, off Mungabareena Road. This reserve has significant natural and cultural heritage value.

RGP - Play
Roy Benyon Reserve

Located in the Eastern View Estate in East Albury, Roy Benyon Reserve offers a range of activities for the family to enjoy.

Nasho Gardens
Nasho Gardens

Located at the Eastern end of Dean Street at the base of the Harold Mair Bridge, Nasho Gardens is dedicated to the National Servicemen of Australia.

Temporary vehicle access to our parks and reserves

Our parks, reserves and bushland play a significant role in the well-being of our community. They provide recreation opportunities, biodiversity benefits and create a sense of identity and place.

Residents living in properties adjoining public parks, reserves and bushland areas have made use of that land to access the rear of their properties with vehicles. While the majority of residents have done so with minimal impact, there has been an increasing number of cases where vehicle access through public land has caused damage.

To ensure this does not happen we require you to complete a 'temporary access application form' if you need to drive vehicles through public land.