There are a number of ways you can support the LibraryMuseum and Lavington Library.
Become an Intern keyboard_arrow_right
We welcome applications from tertiary students who wish to complete an internship placement with us. There are a range of project areas available including exhibition development and collection management.
Projects available from 2024 onwards include:
- Flying Fruit Fly Circus Collection – seeking a self-motivated student with excellent research skills and knowledge of collection management to review the audio-visual components of the Flying Fruit Fly Circus Collection, catalogue, digitise and house items, and identify items for possible deaccession.
- Collection Digitisation – seeking an intern to scan and photograph new social history acquisitions to industry standards using the state-of-the-art equipment at the Murray Region Digitisation Hub.
Other project areas can be negotiated for the right applicants.
Please contact us to discuss further:
Albury LibraryMuseum
Museum & Social History Team
Phone: 02 6023 8333
Email: students wishing to complete project work without the sponsorship of their educational institution should apply as volunteers (see above).
Become a Volunteer keyboard_arrow_right
As a volunteer you'll increase your knowledge of our amazing programs, exhibitions, events and collections, and meet other community members, artists and cultural professionals. Volunteers receive training and support and automatically become a member of the Friends of the Albury LibraryMuseum.
Volunteers assist at the LibraryMuseum and Lavington Library in the following areas:
- Museum and Social History Collection and Research
- Libraries Collection and information Services
- Exhibition attendant
- Learning and Outreach
- Home Library Service
If you are interested in volunteering, please read the Volunteer application pack for further information and complete the application form. You can contact the LibraryMuseum on 02 6023 8333 to discuss further.
Become a Donor keyboard_arrow_right
We are always interested in donations that help us preserve our sense of history for current and future generations.
Our collection would not be what it is without the generosity of donors. With their help we are able to preserve objects of significance for the benefit of the wider community. Potential donations are considered in the context of the AlburyCity Cultural Assets Development and Management Policy, existing collection holdings, provenance, conservation requirements and storage constraints.To discuss making a donation contact:
Albury LibraryMuseum
Museum & Social History TeamPhone: 02 6023 8333
AlburyCity Museum and Social History Acquisition and De-accessions Committee
The AlburyCity Museum and Social History Acquisition and De-accessions Committee is a volunteer committee designed to ensure and objective and professional approach to the management of the Museum & Social History Collection.
The role of the Committee is to ensure an objective and professional approach to museum collection management.
The Committee keyboard_arrow_right
- provides support in evaluating potential acquisitions to the museum collection, over the value of $500, against the criteria in the AlburyCity Museum and Social History Collection Policy and recommend acquisition or rejection.
- assesses the information provided to support de-accessioning of items from the Museum and Social History and Archives collections and make informed recommendations.
- meets quarterly at Albury LibraryMuseum.
Representatives can come from a range of backgrounds, including: keyboard_arrow_right
- Academia (cultural/heritage affiliation)
- Albury & District Historical Society
- Museum sector professionals
- General community members with an interest in social history and heritage
- First Nations community members.
Members must demonstrate experience, skills and knowledge in the sector and will be selected for the committee based on: keyboard_arrow_right
- Experience in the museum, cultural heritage or archive sector either in a voluntary or professional capacity
- Demonstrated skills to assess potential acquisitions against criteria
- Knowledge of or ability to acquire knowledge of AlburyCity’s and/or other Museum and Social History collections.
Further information: AlburyCity Museum and Social History Acquisition and De-accessions Committee Guidelines
Nominations for vacant committee positions are opened each year in May / June, on the Have Your Say webpage. All nominees will be notified of the outcome in July.
Committee terms are three years.