Albury Libraries Mobile Loans

Now you can simply scan items using your mobile phone to borrow them anywhere in the library. No more carrying them around, waiting to use our self-checkout machines, or having to go to the loans counter.

Download the App
Albury Libraries Mobile Loans
Screenshot iPhone XR

Easy and convenient

Our app remembers your details, so no need to bring your library card. Library items can also be renewed from it – no need to log in to the library website.

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Requires iOS 11.0 or later and Android 4.4 and up. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

How to use
  1. Tap on the app to open
  2. Allow the app to access the camera if prompted
  3. Enter your library card number by either typing it in or tap barcode image to scan in the image
  4. Enter your password, which is your date of birth in the format of DDMMYY
  5. Click on Login
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How to borrow an item
  1. Tap on Borrow Book
  2. Scan the barcode of the item you wish to borrow
  3. If the loan is successful, the item’s title will be displayed at the top of the screen with the due date
  4. Tap on Borrow More to borrow further items
How to renew an item
  1. Tap on Account
  2. All items currently on loan will be displayed
  3. Tap on Renew for any items to be renewed
  4. Tap Yes to confirm
  5. Item will be renewed if successful

Take a closer look

Borrow instantly, view current loans and reserves, view loan history, renew loans whenever you want.


Download it now.

Size: 147.5 MB
Copyright © 2020 FE Technologies Pty. Ltd.