Access to information

We are committed to open, accountable and transparent government through the timely release of information.

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), you’re entitled to see a lot of the information we hold in Council records. The GIPA Act provides four ways you can access information from Council and other NSW government agencies.

Looking for development applications?

For all development applications since 2009, including those currently being assessed, search using our application tracker. For development applications prior to 2009, submit a GIPA access to information request.

Open Access (Mandatory proactive release)

Under the GIPA Act certain information, known as open access information, must be disclosed by us unless it is not in the public interest to do so. A list of this information and where to find it is also included in our Information Guide. We must also keep a record of the Open Access information (if any) that we do not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure.

Annual pecuniary interest returns of Councillors, Committee members and designated staff

The annual pecuniary interest returns of Councillors, Committee members and Executive staff are published pursuant to the Government Information (Public Access) Regulations 2009, Schedule 1 – Additional open access information – local authorities.

In accordance with the Information and Privacy Commissions Guideline 1, AlburyCity has conducted the public interest test in relation each return and redacted any information where there is an overriding public interest against disclosure, for example a residential address or signature.

Full (unredacted) versions of all pecuniary interest returns are available for inspection upon request to the Public Information Officer at

If you wish to view the pecuniary interest disclosure form for a member of staff, please email us at

Authorised proactive release

Under the GIPA Act we proactively release information with a commitment to providing as much information as possible, for free or at the lowest possible cost. It is also our intent to make information easily accessible to the public.

You can find information on our website or by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 02 6023 8111.

Informal release

You can informally apply for other information from Council too. Information will be informally released if there is no overriding public interest against release of the information. For example, you may be entitled to information about yourself, but not someone else.

If the information you are searching for is not currently on our website, it can be obtained by completing an Informal Access to Information form. There is no fee for the request, however charges may apply for copying of documents.

Examples of information you can usually request in this way include:

  • neighbouring property owners details
  • architectural plans
  • immunisation records
  • register of Investments
  • register of graffiti removal
  • register of political donations declarations of disclosure
  • pecuniary interest returns
  • building related certificates
  • photographs
  • plans of management
  • local history material
  • infrastructure maintenance records.

In addressing your request, we may impose any reasonable conditions on the supply of this information. For example, where information is subject to copyright protection, the copyright owners written consent is required to gain copies of these documents.

Please note: some of the information that we hold is located offsite in our archives. If you would like to view information held by us at our Customer Service Centre, this information may not be immediately available to you. You can assist us in meeting your request by completing our Informal Access to Information Request 2-3 business days in advance of your arrival. This will give our Customer Service Team time to locate the information you wish to access and have it available for you.

Formal release

A Formal Access to Information Request may be required if the information that you are seeking involves, or is likely to involve, any of the following:

  • Information about a third party, whether that be an individual or a business;
  • Confidential information;
  • Commercial-in-confidence considerations;
  • The request is in relation to current or proposed legal action;
  • A substantial investment of time or resources is required by us to address the request.

An application fee of $30 applies to this type of request with additional processing fees payable depending on the extent of the information requested and the time involved in addressing your request.

Disclosure Logs

Under the Government Information Act 2009, our disclosure log is updated after certain access applications have been decided. The log provides details of information we've released that may be of interest to other members of the public.

More Information

If you would like to learn more about the type of information collected, held, stored, used and disclosed by AlburyCity, or the ways in which members of the public may access this information, please download our Information Guide.

Proactive Release Strategy

AlburyCity is required to consider the proactive release of information it holds at intervals of not more than 12 months as required under the GIPA Act. AlburyCity’s current strategy for the proactive release of information involves:

  • requiring matters that directly impact our community to be considered by council or for community consultation to be undertaken,
  • reviewing the types of information requested by the public, both informally and formally, to assess whether it may be of interest to the public generally through consideration for inclusion in the disclosure log;
  • regularly promoting and actioning feedback from staff, students and members of the public via its surveys, helpdesks and various social media channels;

AlburyCity routinely publishes a range of information that may be of interest to the public, free of charge on its website, unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. This includes strategies, plans, policies, procedures, useful statistical data, and other information on community services and projects.

AlburyCity remains committed to sharing information where it is in the public interest to do so. Requests for the release of information can be applied for using an access to information application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

You can find out more about your right to information and the ways you can now access NSW government information on the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) website.

If you have any questions about lodgment of an Access to Information request, please contact our Customer Service Team on 02 6023 8111.