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The best way to manage graffiti vandalism in our community is for every resident and business owner to remove graffiti straight after it appears.

Graffiti is done by a wide range of people participating as individuals or in groups, as a means of self-expression, for peer recognition or to indulge in risk-taking behaviour and to defy the law and society.

Research has shown that the best way to manage graffiti is to Prevent, Report, and Remove.


Tips for preventing graffiti:

  • Plant trees, creepers or vines to cover blank or bare walls
  • Use darker coloured materials or paints on fences
  • Use anti-graffiti coatings on high-risk areas
  • Use rough or textured surface materials for fencing
  • Limit the amount of solid surface by using mesh, grilles or lattice
  • Improve lighting and consider installing sensor lighting
  • Keep your property clean and tidy
  • Remove graffiti within 24 hours, as it will reduce the tagger's exposure and can make removal easier


It is important that you report graffiti to police.


  • For police attendance at a crime in progress – 000
  • To report a crime that has already happened – 131 444
  • To report information about known offenders or illegal activity – 1800 333 000 (Crime Stoppers)
  • Alternatively, contact Albury Police directly - 02 6023 9299


Utility Companies


Council will offer a reward (up to $2,000 in value) to anyone reporting vandalism, including graffiti, on Council assets, recreational reserves, or any other area of the public land owned or maintained by AlburyCity, that leads to a successful conviction (See: Vandalism Policy under the letter V).


It is the responsibility of the property owner or occupier to remove graffiti on private property.

Before removing graffiti, you are encouraged to photograph it and keep the images for the police in case they require them. Always remove or paint over graffiti as soon as possible after it is done. The sooner you detect graffiti, the easier it is to remove, as the paint has had less time to be absorbed into the structure. Fast removal (within 24 hours) lessens the exposure time of the graffiti and can deter graffiti vandals from 're-tagging'.

Research shows that the best way to discourage repeat attacks of graffiti is to remove it as soon as it appears.

Graffiti Removal Kit

If you cannot paint out the graffiti, free Graffiti Removal Kits are available. There are different kits for painted surfaces and for bare brick, stone and masonry surfaces.

To get your free Graffiti Removal Kit visit our Customer Service Centre.