Liquid trade waste

Trade waste is treated differently to domestic wastewater, as it often contains oils, grease or chemicals that can have adverse impacts on the sewerage system or the environment.

Anyone wishing to discharge liquid trade waste to the sewerage system must, under Section 68 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993, obtain prior approval from Council.

Discharging liquid trade waste without approval is an offence under section 626 of the NSW Local Government Act, which may attract a maximum fine of $11,000.

What is liquid trade waste?

Liquid trade waste is all liquid waste other than domestic liquid waste discharged to the sewer. Domestic waste includes waste from a hand basin, shower, bath or toilet.

Liquid trade waste could be wastewater from any one of the following:

  • Industrial premises
  • Businesses and commercial premises such as; hotels, motels, restaurants, takeaway stores, butchers, service stations, mechanical workshops and supermarkets.
  • Community and public premises such as; craft clubs, swimming pools, schools, education facilities, hospitals and nursing homes
  • Any of the above activities carried out at residential premises
  • Septic tank waste, waste from sites for the discharge of chemical toilet or pan contents from mobile homes, caravans or portaloos to the sewerage system.

Why is liquid trade waste regulated?

The Albury sewerage system (and most city/town sewerage systems) is designed for domestic sewage. Trade waste is generated by businesses or commercial activities and may be different to domestic sewage in terms of:

  • pH (acidity or alkalinity of a solution)
  • Temperature
  • Presence of fats, oils and grease

Council regulates liquid trade waste discharges in order to:

  • Protect the health and safety of those working in the sewerage environment
  • Protect the health and safety of the public
  • Protect our sewerage system infrastructure and assets
  • Protect sewage treatment processes at our treatment plants
  • Reduce maintenance costs of our infrastructure and assets
  • Ensure regulatory and licence compliance to protect the environment
  • Protect effluent and biosolid quality for facilitation of recycling.

Important - prosecution and penalties apply

Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires that all trade waste dischargers to a council sewerage system must have an approval from Council. This applies to both new and existing trade waste dischargers.

A discharger who fails to obtain Council’s approval or fails to obtain Council’s approval or fails to comply with the conditions of approval may be prosecuted under section 120 (1) of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. In addition, Council may issue a penalty notice under section 222 of that Act.

What is our role

We are responsible for providing and managing water supply, sewerage and liquid trade waste services to our community.

An important part of our role is the assessment, approval and monitoring of liquid trade waste discharges to its sewerage system in accordance with our Liquid Trade Waste Policy.

Other responsibilities include:

  • Achieving full cost recovery for water supply, sewerage and trade waste services.
  • Ensuring that any trade waste discharges do not adversely affect the environment, the health and safety of the public and Council’s employees.
  • Ensuring that potential beneficial reuse of effluent and biosolids produced at the sewage treatment works is not compromised.
  • Sewerage system EPA licence requirements are met.
  • Water conservation and waste minimisation are strongly encouraged.
  • Additional maintenance costs for Council’s assets arising from the discharge of trade waste to sewer are minimised.

How to Apply for Liquid Trade Waste Discharge Approval

To obtain approval from AlburyCity to discharge liquid Trade Waste, please follow the guidelines below:

  • Applications must be submitted via the NSW Planning Portal
    • Scroll down to the 'How to Lodge' section of the page.

Please attach the following to your application:

  • Completed AlburyCity Trade Waste application form

    Download Application

  • Detailed Plans and any supporting information (e.g. plans, drawings, diagrams)

Once AlburyCity has received your application via the NSW Planning Portal, we will review this application to ascertain the appropriate category for Concurrence, which may be categorized as A, B, C, or S.

  • Applications falling under Category C and certain category B Applications will require submission to the Regulator (DPE) for Concurrence, AlburyCity will facilitate this on your behalf.

Please note: It is important to note that this process may occasionally take several weeks to complete.

Once approval has been determined, we will communicate the outcome and conditions in writing to you.

  • One of the conditions may be the ongoing maintenance of pre-treatment devices (such as Grease Arrestors etc), these devices must be cleaned and serviced at preset periods at the owners/applicant’s expense.

If further assistance is required: