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Strategies and plans


We are proud and excited to introduce A Place for Everyone, our focused yet flexible diversity, inclusion and belonging road map.

Governance and Management Strategy Effective date: 20 December 2023

AlburyCity is committed to increasing the number of Aboriginal people employed across the organisation and aims to promote understanding and awareness of the diversity of Aboriginal cultures.

Governance and Management Strategy Effective date: 1 September 2013

We believe the best advocacy initiatives result from partnerships, are supported by evidence, and strengthened through engagement and consultation. We will Identify priority areas of focus - matters that require action to influence and gain commitment and support from others.

Governance and Management Strategy Effective date: 31 October 2022

This plan sets out the vision and characteristics of our CBDs, providing specific planning controls and guidelines.

Building and Planning Strategy; Plan Effective date: 1 August 2009

Following extensive consultation a strategy developed in 2016 and 2017, to provide analysis and options for future aquatic facility provision in the City.

Leisure and Recreation Strategy Effective date: 26 June 2017

Our study locates areas of potential Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity across the Albury LGA and provides a management framework.

Building and Planning Strategy; Study Effective date: 17 August 2021

Obtain detailed planning and design guidelines to support the planning controls set out in the Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010.

Building and Planning Guidelines; Plan Effective date: 13 August 2010

The Albury Land Use Strategy brings together both existing land use strategies and compressive understanding of the community's vision and objectives for the future of AlburyCity.

Sustainability and Environment Strategy Effective date: 1 May 2007

Understand the rules and guidelines we have in place for the control of development in our city through land zoning.

Sustainability and Environment Guidelines; Plan Effective date: 13 August 2010

Strategic planning framework to create a hub of advanced manufacturing, circular economy, agribusiness, freight and logistics.

Building and Planning Plan Effective date: 15 December 2023

The Skate and BMX Strategy guides the provision, development and management of Albury's skate and BMX facilities.

Leisure and Recreation Strategy Effective date: 23 July 2018

The Albury Wodonga Destination Management Plan is a four year plan for guiding sustainable growth and to help ensure the viability and resilience of our visitor economgy.

Business and Investment Strategy; Plan Effective date: 27 May 2024

The strategy aims to drive economic growth and to deliver a dynamic and competitive regional economy.

Business and Investment Strategy Effective date: 4 March 2018

The strategy is intended to guide the development of facilities across Albury and Wodonga in a manner that not only avoids the duplication of facilities but also allows both councils to maximise sport and recreation opportunities in the most effective manner.

Leisure and Recreation Strategy Effective date: 22 May 2023

This Financial Sustainability Improvement Plan outlines the criteria that AlburyCity needs to meet to achieve and maintain a financially sustainable position over the next four years and the actions necessary to achieving them.

Governance and Management Plan Effective date: 29 May 2024

AlburyCity's Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN) details arrangements for prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies within the AlburyCity area. It helps to ensure the coordinated response to emergencies by all agencies having responsibilities and functions in emergencies. The plan covers preparedness measures, the conduct of response operations and immediate recovery measures for emergencies.

Essential Services Strategy; Plan Effective date: 13 June 2017
Leisure and Recreation Plan Effective date: 9 January 2007

This strategy ensures council is continually improving the way we deliver services from infrastructure including roads, footpaths, stormwater drainage and buildings.

Essential Services Strategy Effective date: 9 October 2023

Provides a long-term strategy for the corridor between the Hume Highway and Kerr Road.

Building and Planning Strategy Effective date: 23 March 2020

The Botanic Gardens Master Plan will guide the future vision for the gardens over the next 20 years.

Leisure and Recreation Plan Effective date: 15 June 2022

The study objective was to define flood behaviour in the catchments of Bungambrawatha Creek, Lavington, South Albury and West Albury for flood frequencies ranging between 5 and 500 year average recurrence interval (ARI), as well as for the Probable Maximum Flood.

Sustainability and Environment Plan Effective date: 1 September 2011

The study objective was to define flood behaviour in the catchments of Bungambrawatha Creek, Lavington, South Albury and West Albury.

Sustainability and Environment Plan Effective date: 1 September 2011

The study objective was to define flood behaviour in the catchments of Bungambrawatha Creek, Lavington, South Albury and West Albury.

Sustainability and Environment Plan Effective date: 1 September 2011

The report investigates the constraints and opportunities associated with this important corridor.

Sustainability and Environment Study Effective date: 1 January 2023

This Carbon Compliance Strategy sets out the functions of a compliance framework („carbon compliance system‟) to ensure that Albury City Council meets its regulatory obligations under the Commonwealth‟s Clean Energy Act 2011

Sustainability and Environment Strategy Effective date: 26 August 2013

This CBD Parking Strategy 2020-2025 aims to commence a transition period where parking demand is managed and balanced against the needs of all users. It recognises that parking cannot be considered in isolation, but in conjunction with the provision of alternative transport modes.

Essential Services Strategy Effective date: 1 October 2020

Charles Sturt University (CSU) is consolidating the Thurgoona Campus and relocating facilities and services into one site within greater Albury. CSU, has prepared a comprehensive redevelopment plan and intends on disposing of the entire site.

Governance and Management Plan Effective date: 1 September 2010

Albury City Council recognizes that climate change is one of the most significant issues that will impact the social, cultural, economic and environmental health and well-being of the Albury community. By better understanding the impacts of climate change we can prepare and adapt for the future (DPIE 2021).

Sustainability and Environment Strategy Effective date: 25 October 2021

Our community engagement plan examines our audience and their feedback, to ensure we reach as many people as possible. We have included a wide variety of engagement methods and we follow the principles of the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2).

Governance and Management Plan Effective date: 1 February 2019

We have an ongoing commitment to inform and consult our community about the planning matters that affect them.

Building and Planning Plan Effective date: 22 February 2020

The Albury Community Strategic Plan is called Towards Albury 2050. Towards Albury 2050 provides a long-term approach and plan for the future of the community.

Governance and Management Plan Effective date: 14 June 2022

The development of the Plan has been undertaken to address the key issues in companion animal management and provide a guide to companion animal services and actions for AlburyCity officers and the community in general.

The overarching goal for the Albury Creative Economy Strategy is to secure economic growth (sector Output) of 5% per annum for the creative economy locally during the period of the strategy.

Arts, Culture and Events Strategy Effective date: 24 July 2017

The aims of the Crime Prevention Plan is to reduce the incidence of crime, to improve the perception of safety, develop a coordinated and preventative approach to addressing priority issues in relation to crime and personal safety, and to form partnerships and involve the community, police, government and business.

Governance and Management Plan Effective date: 1 August 2016

The main aim of the AlburyCity Cultural Collection Development Plan 2015 – 2020 (Visual Art, Museum, Social History, Archival and Research Collections) is to ensure that existing and future visual art, museum and social history, archival and research collections are not only a strong record of our own culture but incorporate collections that are significant, well conserved, unique and complete.

Arts, Culture and Events Plan Effective date: 22 June 2015

The AlburyCity 2012 - 2016 Cultural Plan is essentially a contemporary strategic document that enables AlburyCity not only to provide a leading cultural role but also to gain a clearer sense of the community’s aspirations and values. It is intended that this in turn will inform policy-making and planning decisions for the whole community.

Arts, Culture and Events Plan Effective date: 1 January 2012

AlburyCity’s commitment to exceptional customer service continues with the unveiling of its Customer Experience Strategy 2024 – 2027. Building upon the successes and insights from the 2019 Strategy, AlburyCity’s second Customer Experience Strategy sets a clear trajectory for the next three years.

Governance and Management Strategy Effective date: 22 July 2024

Motorists navigate their journeys from beginning to end using a variety of navigational aids - including signage. AlburyCity's signage strategy is based on locating signs at key locations in the transport network.

Governance and Management Strategy Effective date: 1 October 2011

The purpose of the disability inclusion action plan is to ensure that access and inclusion are recognised as core business and integrated into existing planning systems so that employees at every level consider inclusion of people with disability in their role. The plan sets out the strategies and actions that Council will deliver to enable people with disability to have greater access to Council information, services and facilities.

The development of a strategy to manage dogs in open spaces provides a strategic direction for AlburyCity to meet the ongoing challenges of providing open space areas suitable for residents of Albury with a companion animal.

Leisure and Recreation, Essential Services Strategy Effective date: 25 February 2013

This plan guides the future development of the East Albury Industrial Precinct.

Building and Planning Strategy Effective date: 1 January 2012

This strategy establishes priorities for the coming five years that will help create a sustainable, prosperous future for everyone in the Albury community.

Business and Investment Strategy Effective date: 25 September 2023

Our Energy Savings Action Plan (ESAP) outlines an implementation schedule for energy saving measures over the next four year period based on management priorities and fiscal responsibility. Energy saving measures includes energy efficiency initiatives (e.g. installing LED) as well as the installation of renewable energy (e.g. solar).

Sustainability and Environment Plan Effective date: 1 January 2019

The purpose of our Communications and Engagement Strategy – Engaging Albury is to ensure we undertake a consistent and considered approach to engaging with our community. We will seek early input from our community and stakeholders to guide our projects, services, and strategic direction.

Governance and Management Strategy Effective date: 27 February 2024

The master plan will guide infrastructure improvements to Ernest Grant Park

Leisure and Recreation Plan Effective date: 11 May 2020

This study and plan is an important tool in managing flood risk in our community and in meeting our obligations under the NSW Government Flood Prone Land Policy.

Sustainability and Environment Strategy Effective date: 31 March 2016

The master plan will guide future developments in Fredericks Park.

Leisure and Recreation Plan Effective date: 11 May 2020

The Good Governance Framework aims to better equip Council Officers to improve quality, reduce risk, create a continuous improvement culture, and more effectively develop innovative practices in the delivery of our functions and services to our community.

Governance and Management Guidelines Effective date: 25 March 2020

The AlburyCity Graffiti Management Plan is a five-year plan to promote community participation, inclusiveness, and cohesion around the issue of graffiti in the City.

Essential Services Plan Effective date: 29 September 2021
Leisure and Recreation Plan Effective date: 19 February 2019

This Local Housing Strategy is the framework that will guide and influence effective planning and policy solutions for the provision of diverse, well designed and affordable housing in the Albury Local Government Area (LGA) for the next 20 years.

Building and Planning Strategy Effective date: 27 March 2023

The Information Management (IM) Strategy reinforces the importance of effective information management and sets a course of action to drive digital transformation across the organisation. The strategy is framed against a set of principles representing community and corporate goals, best value, a customer centred focus and transparency.

Essential Services Strategy Effective date: 27 March 2018

This strategy will guide Council’s decision-making in relation to activities and projects relating to drowning prevention across the Albury Local Government Area and work toward achieving our vision of a community free from drowning.

Leisure and Recreation Strategy Effective date: 12 December 2022

The Plan identifies a number of upgrades to the facility as identified by the Les O'Brien Athletics Precinct Advisory Committee.

Essential Services, Building and Planning Plan Effective date: 1 February 2017

This plan will document the principles, standards and guidelines to be used in the development and management of the AlburyCity Libraries Collections until 2015.

Arts, Culture and Events Plan Effective date: 27 February 2012

This plan guides how and where housing will be delivered to meet the needs of our community, now and into the future.

Building and Planning Strategy Effective date: 27 March 2023

This statement outlines our land use vision and planning priorities to guide growth and shape our city into the future.

Building and Planning Strategy Effective date: 14 September 2020

This document outlines Murray Art Museum Albury's strategic plan for the period 2020 to 2024.

Arts, Culture and Events Strategy Effective date: 23 January 2020

This document details the implementation of Murray Art Museum Albury’s strategic plan for the period 2020 to 2024.

Arts, Culture and Events Plan Effective date: 23 January 2020

The strategy aims to enhance connectivity, accessibility, and sustainability while fostering economic growth and improving the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

Essential Services Strategy Effective date: 11 December 2023

This Plan provides an outline of how AlburyCity has integrated the Principles of Multiculturalism into our work and how we will engage with multicultural communities over the next five years.

Arts, Culture and Events Plan Effective date: 24 April 2023

This plan will guide future development at Murray Park.

Leisure and Recreation Plan Effective date: 1 May 2021

The Murray River Experience Master Plan provides a comprehensive framework for the future development of open space areas along the Murray River.


The plan contains information on the public places where pesticides are used and the notification arrangements we use to inform the public.

Sustainability and Environment Plan Effective date: 25 September 2018

This document sets out Council’s response to pollution incidents under the POELA Act, POEO Regulation and EPA License 5411 applying to the Albury Water Treatment Plant located at 24 Water Works Road, Albury.

Sustainability and Environment Plan Effective date: 30 May 2024

Homelessness affects people and communities worldwide and Albury is no exception. We have made it a priority to address the issue of homelessness and we remain firmly committed to this aim.

Essential Services Strategy Effective date: 28 October 2019

Our Privacy Management Plan sets out how AlburyCity complies with the principles of the PPIP Act and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIP Act).

Plan Effective date: 23 March 2020
Governance and Management Plan Effective date: 1 June 2016

The vision of the strategy is to ensure that we provide an accessible, sustainable, safe and clean public toilet network that meets the current and future needs of our growing community.

Building and Planning Strategy Effective date: 1 August 2020

The vision of the strategy is a community that walks together, working in partnership toward a proud and thriving future where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are empowered through recognition, opportunity and self-determination.

Arts, Culture and Events Plan Effective date: 30 June 2022

The Plan includes a range of initiatives aimed at boosting the retail sector, an important contributor to the city’s economic and social performance.

Business and Investment Plan Effective date: 27 February 2023

This strategy provides a plan for future land use and development in Table Top and Splitters Creek.

Building and Planning Strategy Effective date: 8 December 2015
Building and Planning Plan Effective date: 21 October 2009