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People with disability

We aim to make Albury an inclusive and accessible city for everyone and provide social and economic opportunities for people with disability.

We are working towards creating a city that is accessible and inclusive of everyone and provides equal opportunity for people with disability to enjoy what our city has to offer. Almost 90% of disabilities are ‘invisible’ disabilities, including chronic pain disorders, diabetes and depression. The invisibility of disability highlights the critical need to ensure that not only access but also inclusion is considered.

Our Action Plan

In response to the Disability Inclusion Act (NSW) 2014, we have undertaken extensive community and employee engagement to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). The DIAP has been developed in recognition of our responsibility to remove barriers and ensure people with disability are able to participate equally in their community.

The purpose of the DIAP is to ensure that access and inclusion are recognised as core business and integrated into existing planning systems so that employees at every level consider inclusion of people with disability in their role. The Plan sets out the strategies and actions that Council will deliver to enable people with disability to have greater access to Council information, services and facilities. The Plan will be implemented over four years and includes actions across Council that will assist us to make our services and facilities more inclusive.

Through the DIAP, we will aim to provide universal access, remove barriers and provide opportunities for learning and career advancement equality.

Access Committee

AlburyCity has a disability Access Committee (Figure 2) which meets bi-monthly. Committee members comprise people with disability, those who care for someone with disability, disability sector employees, community members with a vested interest and AlburyCity employees.

The committee has been active for more than twenty years. It is proud of the many changes it has managed to implement and advocate for over this time, including assisting with the creation of two publications ‘Open for Business’ and ‘Getting about in Albury’.

The role of the Access Committee is to:

  • Advise Council on the barriers that prevent people with disabilities participating in programs, services and facilities across the city
  • Provide input into decisions relating to alterations to Council buildings and the streetscape, and the development of programs that improve the quality of life of people with a disability
  • Raise awareness of the positive contributions of people with a disability and the importance of accessibility for all people
  • Advocate for important accessibility issues, including pedestrian safety and improved access to buildings.

Meeting Dates for 2025

  • 12 February  2025
  • 9  April  2025
  • 11 June 2025
  • 13 August 2025
  • 8 October 2025
  • 10 December 2025

If you are interested in joining the  AlburyCity  Access  Commitee  please contact the  Community  Develpoment  Team  on or  02  60238111.

The Disability Access Committee

Accessibility map

Our mobility map covers the central business districts of Central Albury and Lavington. We hope it helps make your trip into or around the city accessible, easy and enjoyable.

View Albury-Wodonga’s accessibility map