
Homelessness affects people and communities worldwide and Albury is no exception. AlburyCity has made it a priority to address the issue of homelessness, and we remain firmly committed to this aim.

We are committed at AlburyCity by building capacity of our community to recognise and connect people to appropriate support services where someone may be at risk of experiencing homelessness.

When a person does not have suitable accommodation alternatives they are considered homeless if their current living arrangement:

  • is in a dwelling that is inadequate;
  • has no tenure, or if their initial tenure is short and not extendable; or
  • does not allow them to have control of, and access to space for social relations (Homelessness Australia 2019).

Homelessness is a significant issue and takes many forms including sleeping rough, couch surfing and staying in unstable or overcrowded accommodation. At AlburyCity we are committed to building capacity of our community to recognise and connect people to appropriate support services where someone may be at risk of experiencing homelessness. Our aim is to reduce homelessness in our city.

In the 2024 Albury Street Count, there were 10 people sleeping rough. People who experience homelessness have the same rights to access public areas as any other resident.
  • AlburyCity has developed a Prevention of Homelessness Strategy which aims to:

    • Improve the wellbeing of those at risk and those who are homeless, and
    • Continue to support the services that work with people who are homeless and to advocate for improved funding and support services.

    AlburyCity works closely with local service providers and state government bodies to offer wrap-around support to people experiencing homelessness.

    Yes Unlimited are the lead Specialist Homelessness Service for the region. Together with these local services, we seek to offer wrap-around support for people experiencing homelessness. By sharing information, we are able to ensure that these individuals are receiving supports tailored to them, whether this be food, crisis accommodation, mental health or other supports.

  • Yes Unlimited are the lead Specialist Homelessness Service for the region.

    1800 885 355
    562 Macauley Street, Albury

    • Anti-social or criminal behaviour should be reported to the Police.
    • Council does not have lawful authority to move people on.
    • We may clean up areas that have been occupied by rough sleepers, but we do not destroy or dispose personal or valuable belongings.
    • Council Officers endeavour to maintain positive relationships with rough sleepers to ensure our parks, gardens and public assets are kept in a tidy condition.
    • We work in collaboration with community service providers who support rough sleepers.

Local Supports

If your organisation would like to be added to this listing, please contact: communitydevelopment@alburycity.nsw.gov.au