
In the spirit of an open, accessible and transparent government, our Council Meetings are open to the public and are live-streamed and audio recorded.

Watch Our Council Meetings Online

If you can't attend the Council Meetings in person, you can always watch them live on our YouTube channel. Recordings of past meetings are also available for viewing.

Resolutions Register

The Resolutions Register provides a search tool for Council Meeting Resolutions, with links to relevant Agendas and Minutes. Please note the Resolutions Register is only active from 1 September 2012.

Register of Development Applications Determined by Council

Council is required to maintain a register for each planning decision made at a meeting of the Council. The names of the Councillors who supported the decision and the names of Councillors who opposed (or who are taken to have opposed) the decision.

This register only relates to Development Applications referred to the Council, not those determined by Council Officers.

The register also includes details of any political disclosures made in relation to the development applications submitted to Council, except for declarations made by Councillors, where these disclosures are registered with the Electoral Commission NSW.

Council Meeting Schedule

We welcome all community members to all of our meetings which are held in our Council Chambers from 6:00pm.

You will find our 2024 Council Meeting Schedule listed below. You can also view our Business Papers.

Council Meetings, Public Forums and Community Forums are audio recorded for administrative purposes. If you can't make it to a council meeting in person, you can watch it via our live stream.



First Monday of the month Community Forum (if required)
Second Monday of the month Council Meeting
Third Monday of the month Pre-meeting Briefing Session
Fourth Monday of the month Council Meeting

Pre-meeting Briefing Sessions

Pre-meeting Briefing Sessions will be held as scheduled to brief councillors on business to be considered at future meetings and any other items of importance. Pre-meeting Briefing Sessions will have an agenda and are open to the public (except for items that meet the requirements of section 10A of the Act).

Public Forums

Members of the public have the opportunity to address the Council prior to Ordinary and Extraordinary Council meetings. The forum allows for verbal submissions/presentations from community members on items of business to be considered at the meeting. Conditions are outlined in AlburyCity's Code of Meeting Practice and Statement of Business Ethics.

To apply to make a presentation at a public forum, please complete our Application to present to Council (Public or Community Forum) Online Form. Applications must be received by 12pm on the day of the meeting at which you wish to present.

Statement of Business Ethics

5.1 Unauthorised communications and lobbying:

  1. Unauthorised communication or lobbying of Councillors or Council employees during a tender or quotation process will lead to tenders being excluded from consideration
  2. Only the appointed Tender/Quote Coordinator is to accept any contact from a tenderer relating to enquiries not considered to be unauthorised communication or lobbying (i.e. procedural or timing related questions).
  3. Suppliers are to be made aware that Councillors and Council employees are required to promptly notify the Chief Executive Officer of any approach that may constitute unauthorised communication or lobbying. If the unauthorised communication or lobbying is in writing, a copy should be provided to the Chief Executive Officer.
  4. The Chief Executive Officer is to disclose the existence of any unauthorised communication or lobbying at the commencement of the business item being addressed at the Council meeting and advise of the Chief Executive Officer’s decision to exclude the identified tender.

Community Forums

Community Forums will be held as scheduled in order to provide the community with an opportunity to address councillors on items of significant community interest. Details regarding Community Forums are outlined in AlburyCity's Code of Meeting Practice.

Closed Meetings

There are occasions when Council needs to discuss items of a confidential nature. The reason for confidentiality is included in the agenda and summarised prior to discussion.

Under the Local Government Act 1993, if the Council moves into “closed” session, due to confidentiality, all members of the gallery including media must leave the Chamber.

Pre-meeting Briefing Sessions are also regularly held and these are open to the public, with the exception of “closed” sessions when confidential items are listed.

Under clause 14.9 of the Code of Meeting Practice, members of the public can make a submission in writing outlining the reasons why they believe the meeting should remain open to the public and not closed.