Application to present to Council (Public or Community Forum)

Contact Details

Please Note: All requests to speak at a Public Forum must be received by 12 noon on the day of the Council Meeting.

Valid given name is required.
Valid family name is required.
Valid phone number is required.
Valid email address is required.
Valid address is required.
Meeting Details
Council meeting/public forum details
Community forum Details
Presentation Format
Terms and Conditions

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002).

We may collect information about you for 2 reasons: firstly, to process your request and second, to respond to any queries which you may have. We will not email you in the future unless you have given us your consent.

For more information about what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it refer to our privacy policy or contact us.

Statement of Business Ethics

5.1 Unauthorised communications and lobbying:

  1. Unauthorised communication or lobbying of Councillors or Council employees during a tender or quotation process will lead to tenders being excluded from consideration
  2. Only the appointed Tender/Quote Coordinator is to accept any contact from a tenderer relating to enquiries not considered to be unauthorised communication or lobbying (i.e. procedural or timing related questions).
  3. Suppliers are to be made aware that Councillors and Council employees are required to promptly notify the Chief Executive Officer of any approach that may constitute unauthorised communication or lobbying. If the unauthorised communication or lobbying is in writing, a copy should be provided to the Chief Executive Officer.
  4. The Chief Executive Officer is to disclose the existence of any unauthorised communication or lobbying at the commencement of the business item being addressed at the Council meeting and advise of the Chief Executive Officer’s decision to exclude the identified tender.