These 'rules' are outlined in our Code of Meeting Practice, which is based on the Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW.
Our Councillors are the elected members of the Council who debate issues and make decisions. Council Officers give advice to the Councillors and, after meetings, ensure that decisions are actioned.
The matters to be considered at the meeting are itemised on the Agenda and, usually, have an officer’s attached report which summarises the issues concerned, draws a conclusion and makes a recommendation.
Public gallery
The Public gallery is at the rear of the Council Chamber. It can seat up to 62 people and there is also space for wheelchairs as well as access ramps. There is a designated area for Media and Council Staff. A hearing loop is available on the right hand side of the Chamber for the hearing impaired.
The business papers are available on the week prior to the meeting and can also be collected from the back of the gallery prior to the start of the meeting.
Gallery conduct
Council meetings are regarded as a public gathering. Therefore, any person making a remark or acting in a way which is offensive, defamatory or discriminatory should consider the legal implications before doing so.
While in the gallery, we ask that you observe the following;
- Although you are seated close to the Mayor and Councillors, you may not try to speak to them or Council officers during meetings or to pass them any notes.
- Do not interrupt meeting procedures or engage in disorderly conduct.
- Filming, photographing or recording (video and audio) of any type is not permitted without prior written permission of the CEO in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice. Members of the media are asked to identify themselves to the appropriate Council Officer.
- Any items which could cause discomfort or harm to Councillors, Council Staff or other members of the public are not permitted.
- Mobile phones must be switched off or on silent setting during the course of the meeting.
- Food and drink are not permitted in the Chamber.
Eviction from the gallery
The Chairperson may expel you from the meeting for disorderly conduct, or have you removed by the police if necessary.