About us

We are the facilitator of a thriving, resilient and liveable city full of opportunities, and the custodians of an environment like no other. We ensure Albury is a great place to live, work and invest.

Our role in the community

We consistently deliver best-in-class leadership, services, facilities and experiences to ensure Albury is a great place to live, work and invest, today and into the future.

We are planning and preparing for our growing community; investing in infrastructure, actively attracting new and diverse businesses and ensuring that our cultural, sporting, leisure and nature experiences surpass expectations.

We serve a diverse range of people from residents to community groups, industry and business and work closely with other councils and government bodies.

We employ around 600 committed and highly skilled people, our annual budget is $145M and we are currently investing $63M a year in capital works.

Our organisation is a regional leader dedicated to partnering with other Councils, all levels of government, stakeholders, organisations and community groups on issues affecting our region. We are one of 11 member Councils in the Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) and one of 15 Councils participating in Regional Cities NSW.

We’ve captured the spirit of how will connect with our community through our inspirational brand video.

Our vision

Vibrant, rewarding and community focused.

Our values

  • Working together - I respect, listen to and value the contributions of others and celebrate our achievements.
  • Integrity - I am trustworthy, honest, accountable, open and consistent in all that I do.
  • Courage and Passion - I am enthusiastic and have the confidence to speak up for the betterment of AlburyCity.
  • Innovation - I seek to increase my knowledge through new ideas and continuous improvement.
  • Loyalty - I am supportive of others and committed to AlburyCity and the community.

Our guiding principles

  • Red carpet not red tape – we treat people as valued customers, streamline systems, listen and respond to community needs.
  • We listen to our employees, value and recognise their contributions.
  • Sustainability and value for money guides our spending.
  • We work with all stakeholders seeking opportunities to benefit our community by achieving Towards Albury 2050.
  • Our communication is planned, clear, concise and consistent with the AlburyCity vision and values.
  • Short-term gains will not detract from long-term financial and environmental sustainability.
  • We respect and apply social justice principles including equity, fair access and participation.
  • We take responsibility for our decisions and actions.

Infographic highlighting the work of AlburyCity over 2022 - 2023