Public and commercial pools

Our role is to monitor the standard of operations of swimming pools to assist you in providing a safe and hygienic swimming environment for your customers.

People aren’t the only ones who enjoy a swim. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, amoebae and other parasites can thrive in pools and spas unless they’re properly controlled. People who use public swimming pools and spas can be infected through cuts, wounds, and swallowing or inhaling water.

Public and commercial pools are more likely to be contaminated than domestic swimming pools, because more people use them. For this reason they need frequent maintenance and testing.

Operators of public pools and spas should have a sound knowledge of pool-operating procedures including:

  • pool equipment
  • pool maintenance
  • pool disinfection requirements
  • water testing
  • first aid
  • life-saving and resuscitation.

Pool and spa operators also need:

  • a contamination response plan to follow in case the pool is contaminated by vomit, faeces or blood
  • a register/log to record the results of every test performed at the pool or spa.

Keeping pools and spas safe

Our Environmental Health Officers have authority to inspect public swimming pools, spa pools and associated premises.

Under the Public Health Act 2010; a public swimming pool or spa pool means a swimming pool or spa pool to which the public is admitted, whether free of charge, on payment of a fee or otherwise, including:

  • a pool to which the public is admitted as an entitlement of membership of a club, or
  • a pool provided at a workplace for the use of employees, or
  • a pool provided at a hotel, motel or guest house or at holiday units, or similar facility, for the use of guests, or
  • a pool provided at a school or hospital

During our inspections we assess compliance with the Public Health Regulation 2012, which requires that:

  • disinfection is automatic or continuously metered
  • the water meets certain temperature and pH standards
  • water testing shows correct levels of chlorine or bromine
  • operators can show their own testing methods and associated records.
  • pool maintenance records are maintained

Book a Commercial Pool Inspection

Is your public pool notified with us?

Public swimming pools and spa pools must be notified to us and all notification details must be correct and up to date to comply with The Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012

Notification for Registration of Public Swimming Pool or Spa Pool Form