AlburyCity Council is the owner of many significant public buildings and the planning authority for development within the city of Albury. In both these roles the Council is obliged to ensure safe and equitable access to and within buildings for people with disabilities.
This Policy is a general guide to the principles and criteria that is to be followed when Council acquires or disposes of Land but is not intended as a complete statement on the subject.
The Activities on Public Land and Roads application guidelines provide important reference information to the community and to business on processes established under the Activities on Public Land and Roads framework to manage the use of public land and road reserves in the local government area of Albury.
These Conditions of Use set out the terms and conditions on which you may use the Airport and any Services.
For many years the Council has encouraged community use of Albury Entertainment Centre and has provided assistance to eligible organisations to enable them to use the facilities.
To provide guidance to the public and Council staff regarding our role in the management of asbestos in the built environment.
The procedure outlines councils commitment and responsibilities in relation to safely managing asbestos and contains general advice.
To provide Council staff with a defined process on identifying when and how an asset may be disposed and to ensure the process is transparent, accountable and conducted in accordance with our Code of Conduct.
The Asset Management Policy sets guidelines to ensure consistent and sustainable asset management processes are followed throughout AlburyCity.
The objective of AlburyCity’s ARIC is to provide independent assurance to Council by monitoring, reviewing and providing advice about AlburyCity’s governance processes, compliance, risk management and control frameworks, external accountability obligations and overall performance.
Dean Street banner displays terms and conditions.
This procedure provides measures for preventing bullying and harassment and how complaints of bullying and harassment are investigated.
Camping is not permitted on the foreshores of Lake Hume, unless specifically approved by Council.
This policy has been developed to provide a comprehensive framework for the management of domestic cats within the Albury local government area.
This procedure has been developed to provide a comprehensive framework for the management of domestic cats within the Albury local government area.
The purpose of this Code of Practice and Standard Operating Procedure (Code) is to outline the basic standards under which Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) will be operated by AlburyCity.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the effective, appropriate and lawful use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) by AlburyCity in public areas, designated work places and AlburyCity facilities across the Albury local government area.
This policy and the associated procedure provide a process for the appropriate engagement, management and training of all persons with an involvement in the provision of services to children. It also details the mandatory reporting and investigation obligations of AlburyCity officers in relation to specified incidents.
This procedure provides a process for the appropriate engagement, management and training of all persons with an involvement in the provision of services to children. It also details the mandatory reporting and investigation obligations of AlburyCity officers in relation to specified incidents.
The purpose of this policy is to establish AlburyCity’s commitment and approach to being a child safe organisation where “the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children is [our] paramount consideration” and children and young people are safe, connected, empowered, and protected.
Civic flags provide an important vehicle for people to express identity and pride, and tell a story through their colours, badges and symbols.
The standards of behaviour are described in detail in the Code of Conduct. The Code is a legal document that all officials are obliged to understand and follow.
These procedures are prescribed for the purposes of the administration of the Code of Conduct.
The code of meeting practice has been implemented to ensure all Council meetings are consistent, orderly and efficient, fair and respectful for all Councillors and other meeting participants and conducted with transparency.
This Policy applies to the use of community land and road reserves in the local government area of Albury , with a specific focus on the use of footpaths and roads.
This Policy outlines the general circumstances that Council will use to authorise a licence or a commercial activity licence for the temporary or one-off use of public land for a commercial activity.
This Commercial Activities on Public Land Policy assists with promoting an appropriate balance of commercial activities on public land to create vibrant and diverse commercial zones and deliver positive experiences.
This document establishes the objectives and the basis for a strategic plan for the community services section within Council.
Providing a practical mechanism for people to provide feedback when dissatisfied with Councils services.
This Procedure aligns to and supports AlburyCity’s Feedback and Complaints Management Policy. It provides a systematic approach to managing all feedback and complaints.
This policy provides information about our position on compliance and enforcement matters.
Building over Council sewer mains require strict conditions to be met.
This Policy provides for the management of contaminated or potentially contaminated land in the local government area of AlburyCity.
To implement a defined policy and procedure that identifies the key responsibilities associated with the management of Council contracts.
The purpose of the Controlled Burning Policy is to ensure that Council meets its legislative responsibility under the Clean Air Regulation 2010 to minimise and prevent air borne pollutants and other contaminants entering the environment through the activity of burning or incineration.
The purpose of the Controlled Burning Standard Operating Procedure is to ensure that Council meets its legislated responsibility under the Clean Air Regulation 2010 to minimise and prevent air borne pollutants and other contaminants entering the environment through the activity of burning or incineration.
This policys intent is to uphold the integrity and ethical standards expected by our community through corruption prevention, whilst protecting funds and assets, and maintaining the integrity, security and reputation of AlburyCity and its employees.
This Policy is to guide the use and management of the foyer space in the Administration Building, for the benefit of the community and interested parties.
This policy aims to manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for Council-related development.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that there is accountability and transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred by Councillors related to their Council duties.
The Cultural Policy outlines the overriding Cultural Vision, Goals and Strategies for AlburyCity in the development and implementation of cultural activities.
The purpose of the Cultural Services Ethics Policy is to articulate specific ethical conduct requirements for paid and volunteer personnel who work in, or advise on, the delivery of Albury Regional Art Gallery, Museum and Social History operations.
We know that our success lies in delivering excellent service to you, our customer. Our customer service charter sets out our commitment to provide you, our customer, with the service you can expect.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to enable the recovery of rates and charges and debtor accounts owed to AlburyCity; to fulfil statutory requirements; and ensure a fair and equitable approach is taken with those persons suffering genuine financial hardship.
The current delegations and authorisations assigned by the elected Council. The Local Government Act 1993 (Act), and other relevant legislation, authorises Council to undertake a range of functions by way of delegations and authorisations to staff. Section 377 of the Act allows the elected Council to delegate, by Council resolution, authority to the General Manager to make most of the decisions and perform most of the functions required for Council to operate on a day to day basis. In turn, Council's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) sub-delegates functions to Council staff.
This procedure supports a work environment where diversity, respect and fairness in employee and client interactions are highly valued. The procedure also encourages the early notification of issues and provides for their prompt resolution.
This Policy outlines the services available from Council to potential investors, business owners and operators, including the discretionary means by which Council may offer financial and other incentives to attract or support eligible business investment, jobs growth or economic diversity as well as the ability to work with other levels of government to achieve overall benefits.
The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to outline the process to be followed in preparing and executing an Encroachment Licence in accordance with AlburyCity’s Encroachment on Council Land Policy
The Encroachment on Council Land Policy provides the basis for Council to manage encroachments on, over and under public land.
Obtain the guidelines that assist with meeting engineering requirements and Australian Standards for developments and subdivisions in our city.
Council is accountable to the community for the management and disbursement of its funds. This policy ensures that all transactions are recorded and conducted in a manner that maximises the benefits to the community and is transparent, fair and equitable.
Please see below the list of grant guidelines related to this Policy.
The AlburyCity Graffiti Management Plan is a five-year plan to promote community participation, inclusiveness, and cohesion around the issue of graffiti in the City. It provides a clear framework and guidelines for the management of graffiti within the AlburyCity Local Government Area (LGA).
This policy provides AlburyCity with a framework through which to respond to the appearance of graffiti in Albury, while ensuring adequate opportunities for the display of street art.
These guidelines detail requirements for onsite stormwater, sediment and erosion control measures for subdivisions, building sites, riparian zones and council assets work sites.
To suitably honour, reward and recognise groups, individuals and organisations which make, or have made, a significant contribution to the city of Albury.
To outline the appropriate eligibility, criteria and procedural information for the bestowal of an honour, recognition or award on members of the community that have made a significant contribution to the city of Albury.
This document provides information on how members of the public may access information held by AlburyCity.
This document provides the framework for the conduct of the Internal Audit function at Council and has been endorsed by the governing body and the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for investing Councils funds at the most favourable rate of interest available to it at the time whilst having due consideration of risk and security for that investment type and ensuring that Councils liquidity requirements are met.
This procedure sets out the mechanisms to be followed by Council officers to give effect to and ensure compliance with Councils Investment Policy.
This policy establishes our commitment to achieving legislative compliance by identifying a standard within which AlburyCity achieves good governance.
To provide guidance to Council Officers on their obligations to legislative compliance and provide a system to ensure that when legislation is introduced or changed, steps are taken to ensure that actions comply with the relevant legislation.
This policy provides a framework for the delivery of a high-quality exhibition program at Albury LibraryMuseum and Lavington Library.
This policy provides the direction that will ensure a consistent approach to the Library’s collection development and management.
This procedure defines and outlines the conditions, responsibilities, and benefits for membership of Albury Libraries (The Library).
This policy is designed to ensure that Council provides effective and responsive Library Services through Albury LibraryMuseum and Lavington Library.
The policy governs the approval and administrative processes, including the levying of appropriate fees and charges, for liquid trade wastes discharged into Council’s sewerage system.
This policy guides the positive, fair, accurate and reliable promotion of Council matters through the media.
The procedure documents the processes required to complete the acquisition of materials into the Museum and Social History collection and the de-accession of materials from the Museum and Social History collection.
The policy provides the direction that will ensure a consistent approach to Museum and Social History collection development and management.
This Policy sets out the general circumstances that Council will authorise a user agreement for the temporary or one-off shared use of public land for a non-commercial organised sporting or recreational activity.
To outline the procedures for conducting Noxious Weeds inspection in order to fulfil Councils obligations under the NSW Noxious Weed Act 1993 (hereafter known as The Act) and the NSW DPI Weed Action Program.
The purpose of this Inspection Policy is to provide guidelines and information about inspectorial processes followed by AlburyCity, in order to fulfil obligations under the NSW Noxious Weeds Act 1993 .
The purpose of this procedure is to articulate how AlburyCity will notify members of the community of pesticide applications it makes, or allows to be made , to public places that it owns or controls as required by the Pesticides Regulation (NSW) 2017.
Council collects, stores and uses a broad range of information of which a significant part is considered personal. This policy applies to that part of Council’s information that is personal information.
The purpose of this policy is to define the key procurement principles adopted by Council and to outline the responsibilities and applicable procedures when procuring goods or services on behalf of AlburyCity.
An overview of our principles regarding public access to information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and to facilitate access to records held by us to members of the public and other third parties.
The purpose of providing access to the Internet is as an information resource. The purpose of this policy is to define guidelines for the acceptable use of this Council provided resource.
At AlburyCity, we take reports of serious wrongdoing seriously. We are committed to building a ‘speak up’ culture where public officials are encouraged to report any conduct that they reasonably believe involves wrongdoing. This policy sets out:
This procedure provides information and details about the recording and webcasting of public meetings and forums.
This policy outlines our commitment to attracting and selecting the best possible applicants for positions within the organisation.
This procedure provides clear guidelines to uphold the organisations commitment to being a merit based and equal employment opportunity employer by defining the activities associated with the recruitment and selection of employees.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that AlburyCity complies with Australian Accounting Standards AASB 124 – Related Party Disclosures by providing a framework for defining, identifying and disclosing information about Related Parties and Related Party Transactions.
AlburyCity is committed to implementing organisation-wide risk management principles, systems and processes that ensure the consistent, efficient, and effective assessment of risk in AlburyCity’s planning, decision-making and operational processes. Effective risk management is a key enabler for AlburyCity to deliver on our vision, Towards Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan, Our Future 2031 Strategy and our Corporate Success Pillars.
Signs play an important role in advising, directing and warning members of the public of inherent dangers in the environment in which they are operating. AlburyCity has prepared a set of procedures based on current best practice to assist with this.
This Single Use Plastic Policy also enables Council to work towards the outcomes of the NSW Plastics Action Plan: to reduce plastic waste generation, make the most of our plastic resources, reduce plastic leakage and improve our understanding of the future of plastics.
The purpose of this policy is to define the key procurement principles adopted by Council and to outline the responsibilities and applicable procedures when procuring goods or services on behalf of AlburyCity.
This policy outlines our expectations in relation to the acceptable and responsible use of social media platforms, in both a professional and personal capacity.
This policy aims to put our region at the forefront of soil and water management, ensuring sustainable development while improving water quality discharge from our urban drainage system.
The policy governs the approval and administrative processes, including the levying of appropriate fees and charges, for liquid trade wastes discharged into Councils sewerage system.
If you need to undertake works on a road, street, lane or footpath, you’ll need to submit a Traffic Control Plan for approval.
The purpose of this document is to provide direction on the management and development related to the Uiver Collection
To provide a framework for processing and assessing requests for a reduction in significantly higher water and sewer treatment charges resulting from undetected water leaks.
The Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy (the UCC Policy) provides a framework for Our People and Customers to understand what unreasonable complainant conduct (UCC) is and why it is important for AlburyCity to have a consistent management approach to UCC by complainants.
The Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Procedure (the UCC Procedure) is intended to provide Our People and Customers a framework within which Albury City Council will manage unreasonable conduct by complainants.
This policy applies to any external or internally generated application to undertake urban and public art works, commissions, grants and major capital works.
Council offers a financial reward of up to $2,000 for information on a person or persons who actively participate in an act of vandalism (including graffiti) on Council property, facilities, equipment, infrastructure, recreational reserves or any other area of the public land owned or maintained by AlburyCity.
This Policy sets out Council’s Policy and procedures relating to Planning Agreements under Section 93F of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
This Policy provides for the appropriate engagement and management of volunteers participating within AlburyCity.
The following procedure defines the activities associated with the recruitment, selection, induction and management of volunteers contributing their time and effort on behalf of AlburyCity.
This policy intends to provide for a transparent account of the waiving of fees, why the request has been approved or denied and to establish clear lines of responsibility for authorisation of such requests.
This policy states our commitment to the creation of a workplace free from harm.
To provide opportunities for young people to achieve a sense of civic mindedness, personal achievement and have an active voice within Council and the community.