Controlled burning

A controlled burn is the controlled use of fire under carefully managed conditions to reduce fuel such as dead wood, leaf litter, bark and shrubs.

We regulate vegetation burning in and around Albury as part of our legal obligation to prevent or minimise air pollution. Our Controlled Burning Policy and Controlled Burning Standard Operating Procedure encourages recycling and suitable land disposal in urban areas but recognises that rural property owners may need to reduce fire hazards and excess vegetation through the traditional practice of burning.

What can’t I burn?

Burning anything that could release airborne pollutants or other contaminants into the environment is an offence under the Clean Air Regulation 2010 and the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 throughout the AlburyCity local government area.

It’s always illegal to burn:

  • anything in an incinerator
  • domestic waste
  • to demolish a building
  • building materials
  • tyres (except for firefighting instruction)
  • coated wire
  • paint containers and residue
  • solvent containers and residue
  • treated timber.

Do I need a permit to burn vegetation?

Check on the map which fire brigade zone your property is in. If it’s in the NSW Fire and Rescue zone you need Council approval to burn any vegetation.

If it’s in a NSW Rural Fire Service zone you don’t need Council approval for a controlled vegetation burn. Hazard reduction burns don’t need Council approval but may need approval from the Rural Fire Service, so check with them (on 6051 1511) first.

In Rural Fire Service zones you also don’t need Council approval for:

  • agricultural burning (stubble, diseased crops etc.)
  • burning animal carcasses (if disease was the cause of death)
  • recreational campfires for cooking or heating.

How do I get a permit?

To arrange for a burning approval contact us:

Phone: 02 6023 8111

Contact us Online

A Council officer will visit your property to inspect the burn stockpile and check the circumstances before we consider your request. We may not approve the burn if there are suitable alternatives.

What do I need to know before burning?

As well as getting a burning approval you must always comply with the in the Controlled Burning Policy. You need to:

  • Inform NSW Fire and Rescue (6021 3174) or the Rural Fire Service (6051 1511) at least 24 hours before you light the fire
  • at least 24 hours before you light the fire, give verbal or written notice to us ( (6023 8111) and to the residents of any properties that have a boundary with your land – including those separated by any lane, road, or waterway – saying where, why and when you will be burning
  • burn only dry and dead vegetation from your property
  • stop the burn if a total fire ban is declared, and put out any existing fire until the ban is lifted.

During the bushfire danger period (1 October to 31 March) we refer all permit applications to the local fire authority.