Food and drink

All local businesses that serve food to the public are regulated by Council and the NSW Food Authority.

Good food safety is the foundation of any food business. Local businesses that serve food to the public are regulated by AlburyCity and the NSW Food Authority.

A food handling business includes any business that sells or handles food in any form in a fixed mobile, permanent or temporary facility. Some food businesses such as butchers, seafood outlets (that prepare seafood) or kitchens which supply food to vulnerable populations (such as hospital patients and aged care residents) are required to be licensed by the NSW Food Authority. If you think your business might fall into one of these categories, first contact the NSW Food Authority on 1300 552 406.

For all other retail food businesses, which sell or handle food for sale, the following requirements must be complied with:

  • Ensure your business can operate legally in the proposed location and at the proposed times

    Complete the development application process or contact a member of our building and planning team to find out more.

  • Ensure trade wastewater requirements are met

    Trade wastewater is any liquid waste (and anything in it) discharged to the sewerage system from business premises - other than normal domestic sewage.

    Most fixed commercial food businesses require a 1000 litre grease trap as a minimum.

    Find out more about Trade wastewater

  • Food Safety Supervisor (FSS)

    The FSS requirement applies to retail businesses who process and sell food (prepare and serve) that is ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous (i.e. needs temperature control such as refrigeration below 5⁰C, bain marie/pie warmer above 60⁰C etc.) and not sold and served in the supplier's original package.

    Businesses requiring an FSS must keep a valid copy of their FSS certificate easily available on site. FSS certificates have an expiry date and must be renewed every five years.

    For detailed information please visit the NSW Food Authority.

  • Notify Council of your food business

    For food businesses operating in Albury, please complete the following form:

    Notification of a food business form

    If you require assistance completing the food business form, please follow this link to an instruction video.

  • Arrange an inspection

    If your food business is based in the AlburyCity local government area, it will need to have a satisfactory inspection prior to handling any food for sale. To arrange an inspection contact 02 6023 8111 or email:

  • Comply with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code at all times

    The NSW Food Act requires compliance with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Chapters 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 are used as the standards for food premises inspections (see requirement 4, above). All food business operators should be able to show they are fully compliant with 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 at all times.

    Failing to comply with the Act or the Code is a criminal offence.

    Access the Code

Artist's impression of a temporary food stall requirements diagram
Artist's impression of a temporary food stall requirements diagram

NSW Food Authority - Guidelines for mobile food vending vehicles

Notify us of any changes

If your business closes, stops trading, moves, opens another business, sells to a new owner or changes its trading name please contact:

Environmental Health Officer
Phone: 02 6023 8111

Contact us Online

Food safety training

I'M ALERT Food Safety* is an online food safety training program. The training, managed by Environmental Health Australia, can be accessed online anytime and includes sections reflecting the basic food safety principles as outlined in the Food Safety Standards (Eg. Temperature Control, Food Receipt, Food Storage, Hygiene of Food Handlers etc.)