Mosquitoes and arboviruses

We monitor mosquito numbers, test mosquitoes for viruses, and investigate mosquito-borne diseases in our community to control Arbovirus.

Mosquitoes are insects which have the potential to carry diseases such as Japanese Encephalitis, Ross River Virus and Barmah Forest Virus in this area.


There are a number of Arboviruses detected in our area. Arboviruses are a type of virus that live in insects like mosquitoes and is passed on to humans through insect bites. These are the most common Arboviruses detected in our region.

  • Japanese Encephalitis keyboard_arrow_right

    Japanese Encephalitis was detected in the Albury area during the summer of 2021/22. Due to localised flooding creating ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes, it is expected that the risk of Japanese Encephalitis will be compounded this season.

    • Most commonly occurs during summer and autumn.
    • Symptoms may include; neck stiffness, disorientation, tremors, coma, seizures. If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical treatment.
    • Among those who develop severe infection, some will go on to experience permanent neurological complications or possibly death.
    • Symptoms, if they are to occur, usually develop 5 to 15 days after being bitten by infected mosquitoes.
    • Fatalities have been recorded from this disease in this region.
    • Diagnosis is by blood test.
    • There is a vaccine available.
    • For more information visit NSW Health - Japanese Encephalitis.
    • Most commonly occurs during summer and autumn.
    • Symptoms may include fever, rashes, and arthritis.
    • No fatalities have been recorded from these diseases.
    • Symptoms may last from several weeks to several months or years resulting in reduced productivity and reduced quality of life.
    • Diagnosis is by blood test.
    • There is no specific cure or vaccine available.
    • For more information visit Ross River & Barmah Forest.
    • Outbreaks often linked to extreme rainfall and flooding.
    • Symptoms may include a sudden onset of fever; anorexia and headache are common, while vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea and dizziness may also be experienced.
    • Severe cases may include lethargy, irritability, drowsiness, confusion, convulsions and fits.
    • May result in coma and death.
    • Diagnosis is by blood test.
    • There is no specific cure or vaccine available.
    • For more information visit Murray Valley & Kunjin Encephalitis.

How is it prevented?

  • Avoid mosquito bites keyboard_arrow_right

    The mosquitoes that transmit JEV are most active at dawn and dusk and into the evening. Take extra care during peak mosquito biting hours, avoid the outdoors if possible or take preventive actions.

  • Personal protection measures keyboard_arrow_right
    • Wear light coloured, loose-fitting long-sleeved shirts, long pants and covered footwear and socks (to reduce skin exposure). There are insecticides (e.g. permethrin) available for treating clothing for those spending extended periods outdoors.
    • Apply repellent to all areas of exposed skin, especially those that contain DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus which are the most effective against mosquitoes. The strength of a repellent determines the duration of protection with the higher concentrations providing longer periods of protection. Always check the label for reapplication times.
    • Reapply repellent after swimming. The duration of protection from repellent is also reduced with perspiration, such as during strenuous activity or hot weather so it may need to be reapplied more frequently.
    • Apply the sunscreen first and then apply the repellent. Be aware that DEET-containing repellents may decrease the sun protection factor (SPF) of sunscreens so you may need to re-apply the sunscreen more frequently.
    • For children in particular - most skin repellents are safe for use on children aged 3 months and older when used according to directions, although some formulations are only recommended for children aged 12 months and older - always check the product information. Infants aged less than 3 months can be protected from mosquitoes by using an infant carrier draped with mosquito netting that is secured along the edges.
  • Environmental measure keyboard_arrow_right
    • Stay and sleep in rooms protected with flyscreens and check screens do not have any rips or holes.
    • Make sure your tent is well protected with flyscreens when camping, or sleep under mosquito nets.
    • Use over-the-counter insecticide sprays when mosquitoes are present inside the room, especially behind furniture and in dark places.
    • Reduce all water holding containers around the home where mosquitoes could breed. Mosquitoes only need a small amount of liquid to breed.
    • Use mosquito coils and other devices that release insecticides to assist reducing mosquito bites, these should be used in combination with topical insect repellents.

What are we doing?

AlburyCity participates in a state-wide monitoring program through the NSW Health.

The mosquito monitoring and control program:

  • Monitors water bodies for possible breeding of mosquitoes
  • Helps identify arbovirus activity through routine sampling
  • Aims to prevent the spread of arbovirus (such as Ross River Fever and Murray Valley Encephalitis).
  • Increase community awareness through the Fight the Bite! campaign.

The program involves setting traps aimed at collecting mosquitoes which are then tested for viruses in a laboratory.

Results of the trapping and further information on the program is available at The NSW Arbovirus Surveillance & Mosquito Monitoring Program

Further information

For more information about our NSW Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Monitoring Program please contact us

Phone: 02 6023 8111