Albury NEXUS Regional Job Precinct

Strategic planning framework to create a hub of advanced manufacturing, circular economy, agribusiness, freight and logistics.

The Master Plan for the Albury NEXUS Regional Job Precinct (RJP) is the outcome of collaboration between the NSW Government and AlburyCity with input from local businesses, the Albury community and other interested stakeholders.

The Master Plan provides a strategic planning framework that creates certainty for business seeking to establish or expand in the region.

The Albury Regional Job Precinct will support growth of industries such as:

  • advanced manufacturing
  • circular economy and recycling
  • agribusiness
  • freight and logistics

Together with the Albury LEP amendments and upcoming DCP amendments, it provides the planning controls to facilitate the delivery of the precinct.

The Master Plan supports the momentum behind the NEXUS Industrial Precinct and adds to the investment in the region.