East Albury Industrial Precinct Master Plan

This plan guides the future development of the East Albury Industrial Precinct.

This plan guides future development of the East Albury Industrial Precinct. It outlines strategies to maximise the development potential of the land and create a high quality light industrial estate, together with a bulky goods site catering for the growth and demand.

The objectives of this plan are to:
  • Identify the future development layout
  • Facilitate appropriate and quality industrial development
  • Guide the relocation of the existing AlburyCity depots
  • Enable co-location of similar services and facilities
  • Identify road connections and treatments with the Riverina Highway with consideration to existing uses such as the Albury Airport
  • Examine alternative complementary uses

This plan was prepared by RPS Australia and has been informed by extensive community consultation and feedback. The East Albury Industrial Precinct Masterplan, as amended, has been adopted as an Appendix to the  Albury Development Control Plan 2010.