Albury Land Use Strategy

The Albury Land Use Strategy brings together both existing land use strategies and compressive understanding of the community's vision and objectives for the future of AlburyCity.

This document provides clear direction for achieving Albury's future. It is one of the first projects as initiate by the Planning Reforms of the New South Wales (NSW) Government in September 2004, to link strategies for achieving the community's vision and goals with specific statutory planning controls.

The Strategy provides strategic guidance for the short, medium and long-term directions of the City's growth and development through to 2030 and in some cases beyond. it builds on existing strategies undertaken by AlburyCity, or other government agencies, to provide clear land use strategy for the future.

The Strategy's focus is on land use issues, instead of broad municipal issues, and how they translate into statutory controls. The main objectives of the Strategy are:

  • To plan for the growth of an expanded city area, and
  • To address NSW Government reforms aimed at creating a more streamlined standardised planning system.

The Strategy also supports other functions of Council such as protection of natural assets, heritage and land management.