Gertrude Colquhuon Park

Located in Central Albury on the corner of Creek and Stanley Street. The Bungambrawartha Trail runs through the park.

Gertrude Colquhuon Park has a small set of play equipment that features a swing-set, slide, see-saw and climbing equipment. The park also has seating, picnic tables and is directly opposite the Bungam Community Garden. The Bungambrawartha Trail goes through the site.

History - Gertrude Colquhoun (nee Osbourne) was born 9 March 1885 and married Arthur Garnet Colquhoun in March 1912. Mrs Colquhoun was a leading figure in Albury and district charitable organisations holding almost every position in the Albury CWA and in her younger days President of the Riverina Group of CWA. Mrs Coquhoun was also a member of the Ladies Church Aid, she played a big part in establishing the Albury YMCA, had a interest in the Pensioners hall in Creek Street (now demolished and the site of the Bungam Community Garden) and a foundation member of the Albury Red Cross. (source : Albury & District Historical Society Bulletion 503)

Public Art - The electrical substation in the park has been "wrapped" with an image of the Albury Post Office to minimise vandalism.

  • Picnic area
  • Play Equipment
  • Easy or short walks
  • Location: Albury Central
  • Land Category: Park

Parks and recreation

Phone: 02 6023 8111

Cnr Creek Street and Stanley Street
Albury NSW 2640