New era on Wagga Road

Monday 10 August 2020
The social and economic revitalisation of Lavington’s CBD has taken a huge leap forward, following the completion of stage 2 in the redevelopment of Wagga Road.

The $4.5M Wagga Road Beautification Project has delivered a range of improvements to make the section of road between Kaylock Road and Barlow Street more attractive and shopper-friendly. The improvements include:

  • A new road surface
  • Tree planting and landscaping to create an avenue effect
  • More parking in the McDonald Rd and Barlow Street area
  • New central medians with trees, and
  • A new pedestrian refuge

AlburyCity provided $2.5M for the project with the NSW Government’s Regional Growth Fund’s Growing Local Economies Program contributing $2M.

AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack said the works had visually transformed the precinct and created an environment that will be good for businesses.

‘By providing more parking, easier access to shops and a more aesthetically pleasing neighbourhood, we’re encouraging more people to shop in the area, which we hope will lead to new businesses opening,’ he said.

The Member for Albury, Justin Clancy, said the government was delighted to have supported the transformation of the area.

‘By working with Council and the local community, we’ve come up with an exciting new look for Wagga Road that will have enormous practical and economic benefits for businesses and customers,’ he said.

The project – which was developed after extensive consultation with businesses and residents - was part of a strategy to improve the economic performance of the Lavington CBD to create jobs, improve safety and reduce business vacancy rates.

Cr Mack thanked the business community for its patience during the construction phase.

‘We realise that the works caused inconvenience to some business operators but we hope they’ll agree that a more attractive, pedestrian-friendly precinct will encourage people to purchase goods and services from local traders,’ he said.

Mr Clancy said local residents could now enjoy an enhanced shopping experience.

‘The NSW Government is committed to improving Albury’s economic and social landscape and we’re really pleased to have helped to deliver this modern, shopper-friendly environment that will benefit the community for years to come,’ he said.

Stage 1 of the project from Urana Road to Kaylock Road was completed in 2016.

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