Nominate for Youth Council

Thursday 13 February 2020
Young people who want to make a real difference to their community are invited to nominate for the AlburyCity Youth Council.

People aged between 12 and 18 are encouraged to put their names forward.

AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack said Youth Councillors had a special role to play in improving opportunities, services and support to the region’s young people.

“Youth councillors are the driving force for change in the way we as a council work to support our younger residents,” he said.

“As the leaders of the future, our Youth Mayor and councillors are the driving force for change by identifying challenges and opportunities facing our young people, and implementing the changes needed to make a real difference.”

Youth Council has been running for the past 10 years. Its successful programs and events have included the Youth Connect Card initiative, the Kool Skools awards night, leadership conferences, youth forums, clean up graffiti days, the all-abilities disco and the development of council’s Youth Strategy.

Albury City’s Youth Mayor, Tabitha McDonald, recommended other young people consider nominating for 2020.

“Serving on Youth Council is a great way to help other young people and the wider community generally, and it also helps us as members to learn and grow so that our generation will be better placed to have a voice for the future,” she said.

There are 12 Youth Councillor positions, including a Youth Mayor and Deputy Youth Mayor. They will serve for 12 months, with their term to start in late March.

Nomination forms are available from the AlburyCity Customer Service Centre or council's website.

Nominations close on 28 February, 2020.

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