Covid delays swim centre opening

Wednesday 1 September 2021
The seasonal opening of the Albury Swim Centre will be delayed by a week because Covid-19 has affected the final stage of works to upgrade the pool filter units.

The centre was scheduled to open on 18 September but that has been postponed until September 25 while the work is completed, Covid restrictions permitting.

Covid-19 restrictions have delayed the delivery of vital components for the filter upgrade and also restricted access to the swim centre for contractors who are undertaking the work.

It’s hoped that the upgrades will be completed later this week, after which pool management,  Aligned Leisure, will begin the three-week process to balance the water.

There were no events scheduled at the centre during the closure period.

We hope to open the centre as quickly as possible and will keep the community informed as works continue.

The Lavington Swim Centre is expected to open on 5 October as scheduled, Covid-19 restrictions permitting.

We thank Albury Swim Centre patrons for their understanding as we work through the challenging circumstances presented by the pandemic.