Rewarding our community for DO-DOing the Right Thing

Tuesday 30 August 2022

AlburyCity has launched a fun new initiative that rewards dog owners, and encourages the right behaviour in picking up after their pooch!

'DO-DO the Right Thing' was borne from a desire to keep our shared public spaces clean, tidy and safe for all users, whether you own a pet or not.

AlburyCity has also experienced an increased number of complaints from community members about unattended doggy doo in recent times.

Picking up after your dog is important to keep our city clean, reduce bad smells and make sure other people aren't accidentally stepping in your dog's business. It also reduces the risk of pests, parasites and diseases being spread to our wild species and even humans, and protects our natural areas from pollution and disease.

Key members of the AlburyCity team will carry $10 vouchers that can be redeemed at Albury's Retro Lane Cafe, and branded doggy bag holders that will be provided to community members seen to be 'DO-DOing the Right Thing' when out and about across our city.

AlburyCity Mayor Kylie King said she hopes the campaign will encourage everyone in the community to think twice about their pet's waste and drive changes in behaviour.

"We all have a responsibility to keep our city looking beautiful, and picking up after your dog is just a small part of that," said Mayor King.

"I hope the 'DO-DO the Right Thing' initiative is a reminder to dog owners to take a doggy bag with them whenever they take their best mate out for a walk."

If you thought the 'DO-DO the Right Thing' slogan sounded familiar, that's because it leverages the well-known 'Do the Right Thing' litter prevention campaign introduced by Keep Australia Beautiful in 1979, and running ever since.

AlburyCity has been a long-time partner of Keep Austraia Beautiful, and supports the 'Do the Right Thing' message including litter prevention, illegal dumping and other community waste management issues.

Keep Australia Beautiful CEO Val Southam supported AlburyCity's innovative approach.

"I applaud AlburyCity for linking our famous 'Do the Right Thing' slogan to such a funny, memorable campaign," she said.

"Demonstrating desired behaviours is the key to encouraging behaviour change."

AlburyCity's 'DO-DO the Right Thing' campaign is an important part of responsible pet ownership, and results of the campaign will be reported back to the community.

'DO-DO the Right Thing'... you never know who might be watching!