Showcasing our sustainable approach

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Albury has been chosen as a key destination for the Australian PacWaste Plus / GEF ISLANDS Sustainable Financing for Waste Management Study Tour, with 30 delegates from 15 countries in the Pacific descending on our city.

While on tour, the delegates will undertake case study visits to organics, e-waste, and other community recycling and processing centres, including our very own Albury Waste Management Centre!

The centre offers a diverse range of programs and initiatives aimed at sustainability. They delegates will hear about the various waste diversion projects in operation, including the upcycle shop (second hand shop), polystyrene recovery, plastic shredding, metal and paint recovery, furniture recovery, construction and demolition sorting platform, and Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) transfer station and be informed on the many trial projects underway.

They will also see the passion our community has for sustainability during visits to the Billabong Return and Earn Facility and the Thurgoona Men’s Shed, both community-led initiatives.

AlburyCity Mayor Kylie King said she was excited and humbled that Albury had been chosen as a key destination for the tour.

“Our Albury Waste Management Centre has been recognised as one of Australia’s most advanced waste disposal facilities, and being included in this tour is a testament to that. We are grateful to have the opportunity to showcase the great work we are doing in the sustainability arena on the international stage.” Mayor King said.

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) implemented and European Union funded Pacific Waste Management (PacWastePlus) Programme Manager, Mr Bradley Nolan, said that it is a privilege and an excellent learning opportunity for participants to visit the Albury Waste Management Centre as part of the two-week Sustainable Financing for Waste Management Study Tour to Australia.

“Our scheduled visit to the Albury Waste Management Centre will enable our participants to interact with the experts and learn from their experiences to understand the challenges and planning, design and implementation stages of the system, as well as ways to address challenges so that they can meaningfully contribute towards the design of feasible systems upon returning home”, said Mr Nolan.

“We are indeed excited to be able to provide our Pacific Islands members this learning opportunity and are thankful to Mayor King and to the AlburyCity team for facilitating our request to visit their waste management centre and other designated site tours while in Albury.”

The delegates will be in Albury on Friday 2 and Saturday 3 September 2022.