Albury Skate Park to get public toilets

Tuesday 27 June 2023

AlburyCity Councillors have endorsed the construction of new Public Toilets at the popular Albury Skate Park on David Street.

Since the redevelopment of the skate park in 2021, it has been recognised through a number of awards and has attracted significant national attention. The park won the NSW Award of Excellence for Parks and Open Spaces and the NSW Regional Achievement Award for Southern NSW at the 2022 Australia Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards, and received an honourable mention in the Playspace category at the 2022 Parks and Leisure NSW Awards.

Usage of the park has increased significantly since the redevelopment, with community members of all ages utilising the space seven days a week, coming from both within and out of our region.

Council has also received significant community feedback about the need for public toilets at the park, given access challenges to nearby toilets at JC King Park and Bilson Park.

The new facility will include three gender neutral toilets, and one all abilities toilet including adult and child toilets and a baby change table. A water drinking fountain will also be installed so users can stay hydrated while enjoying the park.

The toilets will be located close to the Bungambrawatha Creek Trail so walkers and riders using the pathway can also access them on their travels past the park.

Mayor Kylie King said the need for public toilets at the park shows just how popular the location is.

"Since it's redevelopment, the Albury Skate Park has become a premiere recreation destination for the Albury community and our wider region," said Mayor King.

"Whenever I go past the park I see people enjoying the space, from families, young children and even more experienced skaters."

"It makes sense to have public toilets at the park that people can access easily and safely, meaning they don't need to cut their stay short."

The new Public Toilets at the Albury Skate Park will cost $339,000 and are expected to be completed by early 2024.

Find out more about the project on the AlburyCity website.