Community invited to have their say on the future of Thurgoona Wirlinga

Wednesday 21 June 2023

AlburyCity is reviewing the Precinct Structure Plan for Thurgoona Wirlinga to ensure the area is well-prepared for future growth.

Census data indicates that the population in Thurgoona Wirlinga has almost doubled from 6,500 to more than 11,200 in the last 10 years, with the population expected to swell to more than 50,000 by 2060-2070.

The current Thurgoona Wirlinga Precinct Structure Plan was developed in 2013, and contains strategies on how the area will be developed over time. This plan has been used as a guide when considering subdivision and development proposals, as well as planning for infrastructure needs.

With this significant growth and change, evolving community aspirations, and changes to planning policies over time, an updated Thurgoona Wirlinga Precinct Structure Plan will ensure new opportunities are leveraged as the area continues to grow.

Community members are invited to Information Sessions at the Thurgoona Country Club at either 4pm or 6pm on Tuesday 27 June. They will be able to view the existing plan, hear a summary of the community feedback received so far, and chat with the project team about new opportunities they'd like to see.

AlburyCity Mayor Kylie King said this is an opportunity for Thurgoona residents to be involved in shaping the future of their community.

"We've heard from the Thurgoona community through a number of consultation actvities in recent years, such as during the development of our Towards Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan, Growing Thurgoona Community Conversations and more."

"Now we want to present this feedback to the community to see if it is still relevant, and hear further ideas for how we can improve the area into the future," Mayor King explained.

To register for a Community Information Session, and find out more about the project and future engagement opportunities, visit the AlburyCity website.