Creating a sport and fitness hub in the heart of our city

Tuesday 24 October 2023

At the meeting of Council on Monday 23 October, AlburyCity Councillors endorsed the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre Stage 2 Feasibility Study and Business Case.

The Lauren Jackson Sports Centre is recognised as one of Southern NSW’s major indoor multi-sporting facilities. It’s a significant venue for community sport and major events, attracting more than 120,000 users each year and bringing visitors from all over the country to our region.

Extensive community consultation guided the development of a two-stage Master Plan for upgrades to the centre, which were endorsed by Council in 2018.

The $15.2 million Stage 1 development is due to commence in the coming months, providing much needed upgrades to the multisport venue including a new playing surface, player and family accessible changerooms, increased show-court seating capacity and new admin and corporate spaces. These upgrades will provide the opportunity for increased participation in sport, enhanced female participation and improved spectator and player comfort.

The Stage 2 Feasibility Study and Business Case proposes a $150 million expansion of the facility, with three more indoor courts and an integrated regional aquatic centre, including a 50-metre pool, warm-water pool and learn-to-swim pool, waterslide, gym, allied health services and PCYC development. Hydrotherapy in particular is in short supply in the region, with community members needing to travel long distances to access this kind of service.

The Feasibility and Business Case will be used to develop a Master Plan for future development of the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre, which will go out to the community for further feedback. The significant capital cost of the proposed upgrades will require development of a funding strategy, with the project likely to be delivered over multiple stages.

AlburyCity Councillors also resolved to proceed with the replacement of Lavington Swim Centre, excluding diving infrastructure, as per the adopted Four-Year Delivery Plan with consideration for waterplay and learn to swim opportunities, to complement and not compete with the proposed Regional Aquatic Facility at Lauren Jackson Sports Centre.

Councillors also resolved to consider the future replacement of the Albury Swim Centre when the Aquatics Strategy is reviewed, post completion of the Thurgoona Wirlinga Structure Plan and Social Infrastructure Strategy.

AlburyCity Mayor Kylie King said, “Feedback from our community has consistently highlighted the need for an indoor aquatics facility due to the health and wellbeing benefits swimming provides.

The proposed upgrades would cater for swimming all year round, support a wider range of sport, fitness options and allied health services in one central location, and increase the centre’s capacity to attract larger scale events.”

To find out more about the project, visit the AlburyCity website.