Fredericks Park Play Space to undergo an upgrade

Tuesday 10 October 2023

At the meeting of Council on Monday 9 October, AlburyCity Councillors accepted a tender from local park and play space construction company Enviro Culture Services to upgrade the play space at Fredericks Park in North Albury

The play space upgrades were identified in the Fredericks Park Master Plan endorsed by Council in 2021 and will focus on upgrading equipment, the majority of which is over 20 years old.

The new play space will feature a bicycle education track for children learning to ride with signage, intersections and challenges; a scooter and bicycle skills area where children can improve their skills on varied surfaces including bumps, slopes and skate elements; an outdoor fitness zone which will include a range of outdoor strength and conditioning equipment; a nature play area including stepping stones; a grassed area for informal ball sports; a basketball court, junior and toddler play spaces; new shelters and barbecues, with enhanced landscaping, seating and pathways.

AlburyCity Mayor Kylie King said, “The Fredericks Park Play Space project will create a new play area doublethe original size, providing new play opportunities for children of all ages.

“With a variety of play options catering for toddlers through to juniors and seniors, as well as more barbecues and the existing toilet facilities, the new space will allow our community to relax and enjoy the park for longer periods of time.”

Construction is expected to take place within the 2023/24 financial year and is estimated to take around 6 months to complete. The play spaces will be closed during construction, however the rest of the park including the toilets will remain open.

During the construction period, families and children are encouraged to use play spaces at nearby National Foresters Grove, as well as Oddies Park at Noreuil Foreshore and Ernest Grant Park in Thurgoona.

The $2.2 million project is made possible thanks to support from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund.

Find out more about the project on the AlburyCity website.