Three bright minds recognised through Medical Scholarships Program

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Three more young people were awarded scholarships through AlburyCity's Medical Scholarships Program today.

The AlburyCity Medical Scholarships Program provides up to $5,000 to local students from Albury Wodonga and surrounds who have been accepted into a degree in medicine at the University of NSW.

The program aims to encourage doctors to return to regional communities where their skills are desperately needed once they have completed their studies.

It has been operating since 2007 and has now supported 31 students.

This year, Albury High School student Georgie Salinger, Xavier High’s Ryan White, and Siddarth John from The Scots School Albury will receive the scholarship.

Georgie completed her HSC last year, finishing first in PDHPE, biology and chemistry, and third in both advanced extension mathematics with an ATAR of 93.

She also received the science award for her year group and three individual first-place certificates for her academic excellence. She is also a talented gymnast and basketballer.

Georgie is yet to decide her specialised medical career path.

Ryan scored an ATAR of 92.5 in HSC last year, coming first in two of his subjects, biology and science extension, and his academic prowess has been recognised by the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.

He is also a passionate community member, having been an Alburycity Youth Councillor and a volunteer with the Ronald McDonald Family room and Carevan Foundation.

Ryan is passionate about Rural Health and intends to focus on specialising in the cardiothoracic field, hoping to return to Albury once he finishes his studies.

Siddharth achieved an impressive ATAR score of 94.65 after completing his HSC at The Scots School Albury, including particularly strong results in mathematics extension and physics.

A recipient of the ‘Fide et Literis’ Scholarship, as well as bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Siddarth also served as an AlburyCity Youth Councillor and is a volunteer firefighter with the Table Top brigade.

He hopes to contribute meaningfully to the local healthcare landscape by addressing specific needs identified through his clinical rotations during his studies.

AlburyCity Mayor Kylie King said the Medical Scholarships Program supported rural medical education and the retention of young people in the Albury-Wodonga region.

“I’m proud that we can support three more bright young minds as they embark on their journey into the field of medicine,” Mayor King said.

“As we all know, we need many more medical professionals in regional areas, and I can only hope that one day they will bring their skills back home."