City splash park a step closer

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Albury is one step closer to having a splash park following the presentation of a feasibility study to AlburyCity Council this week.

Council also endorsed a stakeholder engagement plan to guide its consultation with the community and potential users about designs for the proposed facility, slated for Oddies Creek Park.

The feasibility study reviewed a range of considerations including site, size, flood risks, ongoing maintenance and operating systems before concluding that the proposed splash park was a strategic and beneficial development for Albury, Wodonga and the surrounding region.

The study also identified Oddies Creek Park as the ideal location due to its central position, high visibility and strong site connections via shared pathways, trails and roads.

The proposed splash park will be co-located with Albury’s premier regional play space, which already attracts more than 200,000 visitors per annum.

Council will now consult the community to help inform preliminary concept designs for the facility, which will sit alongside the existing playground and off-leash dog park.

The installation of a splash park has been a consistent request through AlburyCity’s engagement platforms, most recently during community consultation for the Early Years and Young People’s Plan.

Potential splash park locations were also considered during the recent Murray River Experience Master Plan review process, with Oddies Creek Park identified as the most suitable location.

As a result, the project was included in the Albury Wodonga Regional Projects funding announcement, with an allocation of $2.5 million from the Australian Government.

Community engagement on the design of the splash park will begin soon via the “Have Your Say” platform on Albury City Council's website.

Subject to the necessary planning, design and approvals, it is anticipated the facility will be constructed in 2026.