Community feedback refines AlburyCity designs for Australia Park

Friday 13 December 2024

Community feedback tabled in a report to AlburyCity Councillors this week has helped refine designs for Council’s Australia Park Car Park, Pedestrian Bridge and Levee Bank Upgrade project.

Community feedback tabled in a report to AlburyCity Councillors this week has helped refine designs for Council’s Australia Park Car Park, Pedestrian Bridge and Levee Bank Upgrade project.

An alternative motion supported by Councillors will reduce the number of proposed car parks from 80 to 65, while maintaining as much of the natural green spaces of the riverside precinct.

The report recommended that the original designs be amended to include a painted surface on all or parts of the car park to reduce the heat sink effect and additional tree planting around the perimeter of the car park and the wider Oddies Creek Park at the conclusion of the construction phase.

AlburyCity Mayor, Kevin Mack welcomed the community feedback and acknowledged that there had been some concerns expressed during the consultation, but noted that their views would help make the upgrade project even better.

“I know some people were concerned about the number of car parks proposed and that an expanse of black asphalt would be a heat soak, but lighter coloured paint and a reduction in parking spaces will reduce surface temperatures and we believe address some of those concerns,” he said.

“This car park could also service a splash park proposed for Oddies Creek Park and we’ll begin community consultation so the community can have their say before we move towards the design phase.

“Planting more native trees around the perimeter of the car park and across the wider Oddies Creek Park will certainly add to the amenity of the area and soften the impact of the car parking, which will undoubtedly be used by many people visiting Australia Park and Oddies Creek Park.

“These plantings will further increase the tree canopy cover and help increase habitat values across this wonderful parkland area.

“In a further win for our environment, rehabilitating the two gravel car parks and returning them to open green space will see Oddies Creek Park become a vehicle-free open space, with the exception of service and maintenance vehicles, for the first time in a long time. That has to be a win for anyone who uses Oddies Creek Park for recreation.”

Public exhibition of the Australia Park proposed improvements ran from 20 June to 22 July 2024 with the project information available on the Have your Say page of the AlburyCity website, including the survey, and as hard copies at the Albury LibraryMuseum, Lavington Library and Council’s Kiewa Street offices.

Council will now finalise the minor design changes before recommencing the tender process with a view to awarding a contract for the Australia Park Car Park, Pedestrian Bridge and Levee Bank Upgrade project as soon as possible. Keep and eye on our Australia Park projects page on our website for all current and future information.