Community invited to have a say on Lavington Swim Centre redevelopment

Wednesday 23 October 2024

AlburyCity has launched the community engagement phase for the $14.3 million redevelopment of the Lavington Swim Centre.

The redevelopment project follows Council’s 2023 resolution to progress with the Albury Aquatic Strategy, including the replacement of the Lavington facility.

The engagement phase marks the beginning of the design process for the project.

Over the next month, AlburyCity will conduct a series of community engagement activities to help inform and shape the future of the facility.

Albury Mayor, Kevin Mack, said the consultation was an opportunity for the community to inform Council about how they use the centre and what they would like to see at the facility in the future.

“I encourage anyone with an interest in our city, our aquatic facilities, and particularly this much-loved asset in Lavington, to have their say on what will be a major project for Albury,” he said.

Engagement activities will include a targeted email survey, face-to-face consultation sessions at the pool and an online Have Your Say page.

Face-to-face consultation sessions will take place on Sunday 27 October at Lavington Square (11.00 am to 12.30 pm) and the Lavington Swim Centre (1.00 pm to 2.30 pm).

The consultation phase will close on 19 November.

The current Lavington Swim Centre opened in 1967 and is nearing the end of its useful life, with an independent condition report received in February recommending a maximum of two more summer seasons.

Council’s 2023 resolution approved the replacement of the facility, excluding the diving infrastructure, in a way that complements, rather than competes with, the proposed Regional Aquatic Facility at the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre.