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Progress on projects a sign of a bright future

Monday 15 July 2024

It’s been a busy and exciting few months in our city as we head into Council elections in a little over eight weeks' time.

We’ve made significant progress on several major projects that will have an enormous positive impact on our community for years to come.

For example, only last week Council awarded the detailed design tender for the redevelopment of the Albury Entertainment Centre Convention Wing, a project that will double the facility's capacity, enhance its ability to attract high-profile events to our city and further improve the amenity of our highly valued cultural precinct.

The detailed design will build on the previous concept plans developed in consultation with the community and key stakeholders. We acknowledge the support that has been provided by the NSW ($15M) and Commonwealth ($10M) Governments to make the community's vision for this signature facility a reality over the next few years.

At the same meeting, Council endorsed concept designs for a major long-term infrastructure development at the Albury Airport, a significant step forward for the transformation of the western precinct into a hub for aviation-centric business and emergency response activities.

Two other significant draft master plans were also recently approved as part of the review of the Murray River Experience Master Plan: the draft Central Albury Riverside Parks Master Plan and the draft Lake Hume Reserves Master Plan.

Importantly, the proposed redevelopment of the Noreuil Park foreshore has been separated from these plans in recognition of the fact that the community felt strongly that the concept designs we initially presented were inappropriate for the location.

As a result, Council felt it important to engage further with the community on this treasured asset to ensure we get a result that better meets their needs and expectations.

Why do I mention these projects?

Simply, to point out that Albury is a vibrant, dynamic city with some incredible things happening that will set us up for a bright future.

With the community’s help and guidance, Council remains committed to continuing this exciting journey towards the inspiring themes of our Towards Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan: A Growing Sustainable Economy, An Enhanced Natural Environment, a Caring Community and A Leading Community.

Tracey Squire
Acting AlburyCity CEO