Strategy defines way forward

Thursday 28 October 2021
An important foundation stone in AlburyCity’s future was laid when our Councillors this week received our major corporate strategy that will help to define our way forward over the next decade.

AlburyCity’s Our Future 2031 Strategy will support the over-arching blueprint for our city, the Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan (currently under development), and sets out a vision for Council’s business operations over the next ten years.

In the shorter term, Our Future 2031 will focus on five key priorities over the next three years:

  • Customer and stakeholder relationships
  • Leadership at all levels
  • Informed decision-making
  • Innovation and working together, and
  • Delivering on our commitments

The preparation and delivery of these priorities will help to define the city’s medium-term corporate goals to ensure that as a community focused business, your Council will continue to provide excellence to the community, and deliver on our mission to be a can-do, innovative, and collaborative organisation that brings a holistic approach to the way we work.

Developed with input from across the organisation, our Councillors and community/customer feedback, the strategy essentially defines what type of organisation we want to be and what we want to achieve over the next one, three, and ten years, with work to start on the shorter-term projects by January next year.

In essence, this strategy forms the foundation of how your Council will fundamentally change our business approach in the way we think, work, and deliver – with the community’s hopes and aspirations at the heart of everything we do.

In fact, as a key pillar supporting the Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan, the Our Future 2031 Strategy will help to drive growth and improvements across Albury, as defined by the community, in alignment acting as an umbrella strategy for other key organisational strategies.

Our plans for Albury in 2050 are being shaped right now by local residents and business owners who are contributing ideas big and small for the future, through a Have Your Say process on our website.

It’s great that so many people have jumped on to share their thoughts. We’ve already collected some excellent suggestions that can be woven into our planning for the future, meaning that some of the ideas presented today will be delivered to our growing community, children, grandchildren and beyond.

You can still have your say, with submissions remaining open until 30 October. Thank you to everyone who’s already made a suggestion, and to those who haven’t yet taken the opportunity, please do tell us what you think so your ideas can be included in this major vision for our future.

No ideas are too big or small and by sharing your hopes and dreams, you’ll be helping to deliver the future you want for Albury, so that it will continue to be a great place to live, work and invest – now and for generations still to come.