The art of the Deal

Thursday 5 August 2021
The ground-breaking Albury Wodonga Regional Deal has delivered its first major project to our region, with the work pointing towards more exciting improvements for the border cities once the Deal is formally signed.

Thanks to $250,000 in Australian Government funding under the Deal arrangements, we’re celebrating the recent completion of the Yindyamarra Sculpture Walk redevelopment, which has enhanced the cultural and recreational values of the walk in Albury’s west.

The funding went towards major improvements along the popular riverside walk, including the installation of three new sculptures by talented Aboriginal artists. The new sculptures complement the walk’s existing artworks, which tell First Nations stories in a beautiful, natural environment.

The trail has also been realigned into a figure of eight shape to make it easier for visitors – including school children and disability groups - to stroll the trail and enjoy the artworks. We’ve also added two new access points and built two kilometres of new, sealed trail to further improve access for people of all ages and abilities.

The work has also delivered improvements to the Horseshoe Lagoon car park and new signage to help visitors gain a greater understanding of the walk’s cultural and natural attractions.

It’s an exciting improvement to one of our artistic and recreational jewels, but it also serves to highlight the fantastic opportunities the Regional Deal will deliver.

A partnership between the Commonwealth, NSW Government, Victorian Government and the Albury and Wodonga Councils, the cross-border deal is the first of its kind in Australia.

It’s a powerful partnership that will help to unlock the potential of all levels of government to make a real and lasting difference to the services and facilities that both cities offer to locals and visitors. It’s also a powerful endorsement of Albury Wodonga’s potential as one of regional Australia’s largest economies.

The Australian Government has already provided $3.2M towards the preliminary stages of the Deal, meaning we can continue to work with governments and our community to plan and develop ideas that might flow when the agreement is formally signed later this year.

Consultation with stakeholders will focus on six pillars designed to enhance Albury Wodonga’s economy and liveability. Those pillars are:

  • Economic development
  • Harmonisation
  • Infrastructure and connectivity
  • A liveable community
  • Health and education, and
  • Supporting our Indigenous community

By exploring and developing the opportunities that these pillars present, we’ll be able to work with our partners to drive growth and agility in our economy.

Work continues behind the scenes to finalise the details of the Deal and we look forward to the official signing, followed by some exciting developments for our cross-border community.

The completion of the Yindyamarra Walk redevelopment is a tangible signpost towards what the agreement will mean for us.

We’re very proud of the improvements we’ve been able to deliver and excited to play a part in helping Aboriginal artists to tell their stories at this beautiful location.

Please take the time to wander the trail and engage with the artworks – and while you’re there, enjoy this first taste of the amazing opportunities that will flow to our community when the Regional Deal is fully activated.