Food Vendor Information

We are looking for a point of difference with the food and beverage offering at this year's Riverside Vibes.

The event is held annually and will see crowds of up to 3,000 each day.  Food and beverage for this event will be a key draw card, so we are looking for certified vendors who can produce quality take away food and beverage for large crowds.

This year the event is being held over two days.

Event date and times

  • Saturday, 12 October 2024, 10am-3pm
  • Sunday, 13 October 2024, 10am-3pm

The site

Murray River Precinct and Hovell Tree Park

Set-up and pack down times - food vendors

Friday:  TBC

Pack down is 3pm Sunday.

A fair go for all

We want to give our stallholders a fair go by making sure we limit the number of repeat or similar product lines. This way we keep the event interesting and varied for market goers and give our stallholders every opportunity to benefit.


It's an outdoor market so we're at the mercy of the weather gods. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled. In this case, we'll let you know by the Friday. You will be reimbursed for your site fee should AlburyCity cancel.


If for some unforeseen reason, you can't make it to the market - please let us know as early as you can. This way we can reallocate your site to someone else and we'll be able to keep the market nice and tidy – without any gaps.

Refunds will only be given in the case of advance notice. To be eligible for a refund, notice of your cancellation must be given to AlburyCity Events one week prior to the event. You will not be entitled to any refund if notice is given during the week of the event.

Stallholder site fees

Approved stallholders will receive an invoice from AlburyCity in the mail. Site fees must be paid in full prior to the event, or risk having sites released to other stallholders. Stallholders will not be able to commence bump in without full payment being received by event organisers.

Vendor site fees are as follows:

Food Vendors (no power supplied)
3x3m $100.00 (inc. GST)
6x3m $200.00 (inc. GST)


Council offers the following ways to pay your invoice.

  • In Person – Through our Customer Service Centre located at 553 Kiewa Street Albury, Office hours 8.30am-5pm Monday-Friday
  • Online – Through our payment portal at Visa and MasterCard payments only. No Credit Card processing fees apply for this payment method.
  • Mail – Send the lower portion of your invoice with your cheque or money order to PO Box 323 Albury, NSW 2640
  • Direct Debit – Contact AlburyCity or visit to obtain a direct debit form
  • BPay – details provided on invoice

Public Liability cover

Public liability cover (minimum of $20,000,000) is required for stallholders who sell or provide products that can be eaten, ingested or applied.

Sustainability in action guidelines

AlburyCity Events aim is to minimise our impact on the planet. View these guidelines on how you can contribute to our vision for all Riverside Vibes activation:

Stallholders and exhibitors
  • Stallholders must abide by AlburyCitys  Single Use Plastic Policy
  • Use packaging which is reusable, has recycled content, or is recyclable
  • Sort your waste for recycling (no provision is made for stallholder waste on-site, all waste generated from your site is to be taken off-site for appropriate sorting)
  • Use renewable energy to create your products e.g. solar panels or green power
  • Don’t display or give away balloons
  • Accept BYO cups from customers, you may even like to offer a small discount to encourage this behaviour and pass on the saving
  • Don’t sell bottled water, free water is available at the venue
  • Provide paper straws, if required
  • Minimise packaging of your products
  • Purchase packaging with recycled content
  • Use local produce wherever practical
  • When preparing your food, collect and compost the scraps
  • If you offer compostable/biodegradable cups, cutlery and plates – consider providing a receptacle and collect these items to enable them to be composted

Stallholder application

Food vendor EOIs are open from Monday, 13 May 2024 and close on Monday, 10 June 2024.

You will receive an email to confirm the status of your application no later than July 2024.

Stallholder applications are assessed against the selection criteria and are approved at the discretion of AlburyCity. No preference is given to past stallholder attendance or the submission date of your application.

Please ensure when completing your application form, that any images / photographs submitted are no larger than 1MB per image. Alternatively, you can e-mail images separately to, remember to reference your business name so they can be linked to your application.

View market terms and conditions

Contact us

For more information about Riverside Vibes, please contact Mel Nagle on 02 6023 8320 or email