Conditions for use of sporting facilities

Information, rules and prohibitions for organisations making use of AlburyCity managed sporting facilities.


Users of AlburyCity parks and sporting grounds are required to adhere with NSW Government COVID19 restrictions and "Return to Play" frameworks outlined by the NSW Office of Sport and peak sporting bodies.

Ground allocation

  1. Ground usage is permitted after approval is sought and granted from Council. An AlburyCity Sporting Facility Tenancy Agreement Form and Facility Usage Application Form must be completed as part of this process.

  2. A club or organisation that is allocated a sporting ground will receive a permit for that usage. Additional usage must be requested and confirmation of booking received prior to any usage outside of the times nominated on the permit. A club or organisation is required to hold a copy of their permit for the duration of their usage of a sporting ground.

  3. Occasionally, Council may, under special circumstances, require the use of a ground for a special event or purpose. Under these circumstances Council has the right to the occupation of the ground for the duration of the event. Council will provide as much notice as possible under these circumstances and will assist affected organisations in finding a suitable alternative venue.

  4. Council reserves the right to cancel an allocation of a sporting ground if it is considered  that the ground may be unduly damaged by use. In such cases Council will assist the affected organisation in finding a suitable alternative venue.

  5. Council may, at any time, withdraw the use of the ground if it is deemed to be unplayable due to inclement weather conditions and/or for safety reasons.

  6. Organisations shall not sublet grounds to other groups unless approved by Council. This ensures casual users also contribute to maintenance costs.

  7. Sporting grounds may be allocated for pre-season training to sporting clubs who complete the Application for Seasonal use of a Sporting Ground. The priority of ground allocations will be given to clubs in a current competition season. Allocations for pre-season training may be withdrawn if the condition of the ground surface is likely to suffer from the pre-season use.

  8. Council's annual ground renovation period is undertaken in March. All AlburyCity sporting grounds will be closed to non Albury clubs for the month of March.

  9. AlburyCity provides sporting grounds fit for the purpose of undertaking general sporting activities. Activities undertaken by the hirer outside of this fit-for-purpose use are done  so at the risk of the hirer.

    Whilst AlburyCity provides sporting grounds fit for the purpose of undertaking general sporting activities, the hirer acknowledges that it is not possible to provide a site which is risk free due to a number of factors beyond the control of Council. It is the responsibility of the hirer to inspect and assess the suitability of the sporting ground for their specific activities during the booking process and at the beginning of each of their bookings.

  10. New clubs wanting to make use of a sporting ground within AlburyCity for the first time may be required to provide extra information prior to a ground being allocated. AlburyCity may contact the club requesting this information after your application has been submitted. Information required may include copies of annual reports and details of referees who can provide independent advice about your club.

  11. Clubs that have an active history of participating in community events, proactively developing the club culture and participating in community programs such as Good Sports will be looked upon favourably in the allocation process.

  12. All pre-season usage concludes one week prior to the clubs season commencement.

  13. Council does not assist in setting up for activities.

  14. Upon receiving an offer of a ground allocation, additional facility specific conditions may apply which need to be agreed upon prior to finalisation of a permit for use of that facility.

Prohibitions and rules

  1. All signage including advertising and temporary signs need to be authorised.Council's guidelines for the erection of signs on sporting facilities can be obtained by phoning 02 6023 8111.

  2. Clubs and organisations must ensure they have obtained the correct Liquor Licence.

  3. No alcohol is to be consumed on the playing surface while participating in the use of an AlburyCity sporting facility. AlburyCity encourages clubs to become members of community programs such as Good Sports. It is also recommended that clubs take a proactive approach and implement drug and alcohol policies and programs to ensure their club promotes a healthy lifestyle to the community.

  4. It is the responsibility of both the Seasonal User and the Casual User to manage the behaviour of spectators at their events. Police should be contacted when issues escalate to a level of risk beyond the capacity of the User. The User can manage spectator issues by notifying spectators that they are unwelcome however neither the User nor Council has the authority to exclude members of the public from publicly accessible open space areas. Should the User notify a spectator that they are unwelcome, this should be recorded by the committee of the User group, the governing association and the Police.

  5. Clubs and organisations must not cause any nuisance to neighbouring properties.

  6. Each sporting club allocated a pavilion at a sporting ground shall be entitled to three (3) sets of keys for the duration of that allocated season. All keys must be returned within two weeks of the conclusion of that club's season.

  7. No clubs or organisations are authorised to use equipment that penetrates the ground surface, including stakes and star pickets. With sufficient notice, Council may authorise this activity in negotiation with the hiring organisation.

Health, safety and security

  1. AlburyCity provides sporting grounds fit for undertaking general sporting activities. Activities undertaken by the hiring organisation outside of this fit-for-purpose use are done so at the risk of the hirer.

    Whilst AlburyCity provides sporting grounds fit for undertaking general sporting activities, the hirer acknowledges that it is not possible to provide a site that is risk free due to a number of factors beyond the control of Council. It is the responsibility of the hirer to inspect and assess the suitability of the sporting ground for their specific activities during the booking process and at the beginning of each of their bookings.

  2. Vehicles are not permitted onto the playing surface at any time or the surrounds during activities, including training and competition. Vehicles of tenant clubs are permitted onto the surrounds for the purpose of pickup and drop off of equipment or canteen stock.

  3. Any club or organisation using portable soccer goals must comply with Australian Standard AS 4866.1-2007 (Playing Field Equipment - Soccer Goals) and ACCC product safety guide 'Movable soccer goals - supplier guide'. All portable soccer goals are to be removed by the user group from the playing areas after use and made safe. This needs to be done by securing it to a permanent fixture (e.g. fence). Council will remove from the ground any goals found to be left in an unsafe position. Organisations will be charged for the costs involved as outlined in the Council's fees and charges for that year.

    Council will be responsible for the erection of permanent goal posts at the start of  each season. Organisations should notify Parks and Recreation on phone 02 6023 8111 at least two weeks prior to their season start to arrange the erection of goal posts and/or equipment. Council will be responsible for the removal of goal posts and equipment at the end of each season.

  4. All organisations must be incorporated. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure this is maintained for the duration of the agreement with Council and that all regulatory requirements are completed.

  5. Each booking request for a sporting ground must be accompanied by a Certificate of Currency as evidence of public liability insurance in the name of the booking organisation. The minimum amount of coverage required is $20,000,000.

    It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the activity being undertaken in the booking request is covered by the provided public liability insurance cover. Activities undertaken which are not covered by the provided public liability insurance are undertaken at the risk of the hirer.

  6. NSW Child Protection Legislation

    All organisations that provide services for children and wish to use or hire Council's facilities must have appropriate Child Protection policies and procedures in place. For further information on your Child Protection requirements please contact NSW Sport and Recreation on Phone: 1300 366 407 or 02 9923 4261.

    By completing an application for sports ground use you are acknowledging that it is your responsibility to ascertain and comply with any obligations under the NSW Child Protection legal framework that may apply in the particular circumstance of our organisations use of these AlburyCity facilities.

  7. The user is required to ensure all appropriate safety measures are in place prior to use. These measures may include, but are not limited to, goal post padding and preventative measures for unplanned access to roadways.

  8. Council is responsible for the Insurance of AlburyCity buildings.

  9. It is recommended that a club or organisation that has equipment or belongings at an AlburyCity sporting facility to hold Contents Insurance. AlburyCity is not liable for the loss or damage to a Club or Organisations contents.

  10. No club or organisation is permitted to store equipment or any other items (contents) in toilets, change rooms or service ducts.

  11. Organisations that use canteen facilities must comply with the NSW Food Authority standards. AlburyCity canteen facilities are subject to Food Premises Assessment Reports which may identify requirements applicable to hiring organisations.

  12. AlburyCity sporting facilities are subject to regular inspections to ensure that facilities are provided and maintained to an acceptable standard. This may include:

    • Inspections of canteen facilities to ensure compliance with NSW Food Authority Standards
    • Quality Assurance inspections by Council staff
    • Ad hoc inspections by Council staff
    • Compliance with liquor licence regulations
  13. Organisations wishing to access toilets and/or change rooms will need to contact AlburyCity at least three (3) days prior to the booking.

  14. All Council facilities must be accessible to Council staff at all times. This means that locks and padlocks must be on Councils system and must not be changed.

  15. All user groups of Council facilities expressly agree to indemnify and to keep indemnified and to also release and hold harmless Albury City Council, its Councillors, staff, servants and agents and ach of them from and against all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses, and damages whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against them or any of them arising out of or in relation to the use of a Council facility and/or in any manner related to this document.


  1. All marking of playing fields shall be by surface marking only and will be the responsibility of the organisation allocated to the ground. The use of Herbicides for line marking is forbidden. Any organisation found to be using herbicides will be charged the costs involved to repair the sporting surface.

  2. Clubs are not to mow any areas of the sporting ground or surrounds.

  3. Sprinklers are not to be covered in sand. Problems with the sprinkler system should be reported to AlburyCity Parks and Recreation on phone 02 6023 8111.

  4. All sporting grounds and pavilions are to be kept in a neat and tidy condition by the organisation using the same. All litter and debris is to be placed in the bins provided. Change rooms and toilets are to be cleaned and left in a neat and tidy condition. Council will conduct inspections of sporting facilities. Clubs must action any issues raised by Council Officers. A cleaning fee will be imposed on the organisation responsible if the facility is not left clean and tidy. The fee charged will be as per AlburyCity's current 'Fees and Charges' schedule.

  5. Organisations must inform Council as soon as possible if any damage is found to any sports surfaces, equipment, buildings and environs. Failure to do so may result in the costs to repair such damage being charged to the responsible organisation.

  6. Council will be responsible for the erection of permanent goal posts at the start of each season. Organisations should notify Parks and Recreation on phone 02 6023 8111 at least two weeks prior to their season start to arrange the erection of goal posts and/or equipment. Council will be responsible for the removal of goal posts and equipment at the end of each season.

    All portable soccer goals are to be removed by the user group from the playing areas after use and made safe. This needs to be done by securing it to a permanent fixture (e.g. fence). Council will remove from the ground any goals found to be left in an unsafe position. Organisations will be charged for the costs involved.

  7. Each sports ground and pavilion will be inspected at the conclusion of the allocated season by AlburyCity staff. If the sports ground and/or pavilion is not in an acceptable state, the club will be required to repair and/or clean the items identified. If this is not completed, AlburyCity staff will complete the work and all costs will be on charged to the club.

  8. AlburyCity bins are to be stored in designated storage rooms and are not to be left outside after any event or ground use. AlburyCity staff empty bins from designated store rooms.

    User groups are required to make use of waste management facilities at each facility. Where bins are located throughout the facility, they need to be consolidated into a designated area.

  9. All cricket wicket covers must be either on the turf cricket pitch table or in an appropriate location when not in use. Rollers must not be left unattended on the sporting ground.

  10. If there are any issues with Council locks and padlocks please contact AlburyCity. If this is after hours please contact the afterhours emergency number.

Fees and charges

  1. Fees and charges will be those adopted in the Council Budget prior to the season.

  2. Fees and charges for Seasonal Users will be invoiced in November for summer season allocations and May for winter season allocations.

  3. An estimate of each User's fees and charges will be provided on the permit issued to the User. This estimate is subject to change depending on any variations of bookings.

  4. If a key is issued to an organisation making a casual booking, a $50 deposit will be required. This will be refunded upon the return of the key. The key must be returned within one (1) business day of the conclusion of the booking.

  5. Any requests for financial assistance in relation to ground usage fees or service fees must be made in writing in the form of a sponsorship request.


  1. To allow Council to monitor grounds and arrange maintenance, all clubs, organisations and associations using Council sports grounds must provide Council with a copy of the season's fixture.

  2. After the commencement of a seasonal booking, Council will request additional information relating to participation and membership for that season. It is compulsory for organisations to provide this information. It allows AlburyCity to monitor and plan for the provision and management of recreation facilities.

  3. It is the responsibility of the hiring organisation to ensure that information provided as part of this agreement including public liability insurance and participation details are kept up to date as they change or expire.

  4. For privacy purposes, the contact details provided in the usage agreement (excluding information for public release) will not be distributed to anybody outside of AlburyCity except in extenuating circumstances.


Casual Use

An irregular booking made by an organisation or sporting body. May be a single ground use or multiple ground uses.

A booking by a sporting club outside of normal training, pre-season or regular season fixtures

Designated Storage Room

Where appropriate, Council will nominate storage areas for user groups or for communal items such as rubbish bins.

Non Albury Club

Clubs without a home-base in Albury.

Permanent Goals

Goals fixed by concrete or other material (sleeves).

Playing Surface

Sporting ground or netball court.

Portable Goals

Freestanding structure that must be secured at all times.


The period prior to the beginning of the regular season. Pre season concludes one week prior to the beginning of the regular season fixtures. Winter pre-season begins on 1 January each year while summer pre-season begins on 1 July each year.

Recreational Activity Agreement

An agreement with a provider of recreation activities, either non-profit or commercial, to make use of a sporting ground, reserve or park.

Season - Summer and Winter

Summer Season - 1 October to 31 March

Winter Season - 1 April to 30 September

Sporting Facility Tenancy Agreement

An agreement with a sporting body, either non-profit or commercial, to make use of a sporting ground.

Albury Tenant Club

A club based in Albury with a home-base at a particular sporting facility.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact us

Phone: 02 6023 8111

Contact Us Online