Albury ClubGRANTS

Provides eligible Category 1 organisations, with funding for community projects.


The ClubGRANTS Scheme is a community development grants program funded by local clubs and administered by Albury City.

The scheme is designed to ensure that larger registered clubs in NSW contribute to the provision of frontline services to their local communities; and to ensure that the disadvantaged in the community are better positioned to benefit from the substantial contributions made by those clubs.

The Gaming Machine Tax Act 2001 enables registered clubs with gaming machine profits over $1 million to apply for a tax rebate (of up to 1.85%). The tax rebate is used to provide grants to not-for-profit community organisations for community projects.

AlburyCity does not financially contribute to the program but assists the local ClubGRANTS Committee by administering the application process.

Local Clubs that are members of the ClubGRANTS Committee in the Albury Local Government Area (LGA) are:

  • The Commercial Club
  • The SS&A (Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Club)
  • The Thurgoona Country Club Resort

Additional members of the Albury ClubGRANTS Committee are:

  • a representative from the NSW  Department of Communities and Justice
  • a representative from a community organisation
  • an AlburyCity Councillor (non-voting rights)
  • an AlburyCity Council Officer (administrative function)

Scope and Limit

The ClubGRANTS Committee only accept community projects that will benefit residents of the Albury Local Government Area, with priority given to applications received from local organisations. Considerations are made for applications received from cross-border organisations that service Albury LGA residents.

The role of the Albury ClubGRANTS  Committee is to assess applications pertaining to Category 1 requests only.

  • Category 1 keyboard_arrow_right

    You are considered eligible for Category 1 funding if your project falls under specific community welfare and social services, community development, health services and employment assistance activities, and other projects aimed at improving the living standards of low income and disadvantaged people.

  • Category 2 keyboard_arrow_right

    Funding for general community development and support activities, such as junior sport/grassroots sport or veteran welfare activities.

    Use the Find Your Local Grant Round to apply to a local round.

  • Category 3 keyboard_arrow_right

    Funding is available to support projects that assist communities with essential infrastructure and disaster readiness.

    This round is managed by the Office of Responsible Gambling.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply, you must be able to provide the following project and/or services:

  • Community welfare or social services
    • aged, disability, multicultural or youth services
    • childcare / school
    • volunteer emergency services
    • veteran welfare services
  • Community development
    • community transport services
    • neighbourhood centre / youth drop in activities
    • community education programs
  • Community health services
    • health promotion initiatives
    • mental health initiatives
    • community care and disability services
  • Employment assistance activities
    • community enterprise
    • local job creation scheme

You are also eligible if you or your organisation is involved in community or professional sport.

Assessment Criteria

Applications will be considered as part of the ClubGRANTS round applicants have applied to and will be reviewed by the Albury ClubGRANTS Committee for eligibility, and to ensure it meets Category 1 ClubGRANTs requirement.

Representatives of the local Clubs have the authority to make recommendations for the applications that meet the Category 1 criteria to their respective Boards to fully fund, part fund or not fund an application, based on the information contained in the application at the time of the assessment.

Endorsement of the Albury ClubGRANTS Committee Category 1 recommendations is the responsibility of the Board of each Club.

Accessibility, inclusion and support

AlburyCity is committed to ensuring better practice and ease of access to the ClubGRANTS Round.

If you are deaf and/or have a hearing or speech impairment, the National Relay Service may assist you on 1300 555 727.

  • Please note: To use the National Relay Service, you will need to register first, so you can make and receive calls.

If you are a non-English speaker, you can use the National Translating and Interpreting Service. The service provides immediate phone interpreting. To find out more, visit the TIS National website or call 131 450, and quote our unique number 285237.

Before Applying

Before you apply, you we encourage you to visit the Applicant's ClubGRANTS HELP Page which contains  a downloadable copy of the ClubGRANTS guidelines to guide you in your application process.

For more information on the AlburyCity ClubGRANTS Round - Category 1, please contact Julia Vesval via phone on 02 6023 8111 or email

How to apply

Apply Online

Applicants will be required to apply through the ClubGRANTS Portal.

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