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Community gardens

AlburyCity supports and encourages community gardens as a valuable recreational activity. Community gardening contributes to the health and wellbeing of the wider community and provides a range of environmental stewardship, social and educational and community benefits.

Existing Community Gardens

There are currently 5 community gardens across the Albury Local Government Area. If you are interested in joining, please email the community development team at or call 02 6023 8111.

A woman watering a raised corrugated iron garden bed with a hose.
Billson Park Community Garden

Est. 2020 at 749 Macauley Street, Albury. Billson Community Garden aims to build community connections, social interaction and a sense of belonging to the local neighborhood. The community comes together to grow food and other plants, learn new skills and meet new people. Regular working bees are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.

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Exterior of Bungam Community Garden.  You can see see several fruit trees.
Bungam Community Garden

Est. 2015 Cnr Engelhardt and Stanley Street, Albury. Bungam Community Garden is all about growing produce, beautifying the public space and enjoying the company of neighbors and new friends. The name of this garden comes from its location on the edge of Bungambrawatha Creek, and is easily accessed by the Bungambrawatha Creek Trail.

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Wide angle photo of teacup community garden with people working on the various raised garden beds.
Teacup Community Garden

Est. 2016 Broad Street, East Albury

The East Albury CommUnity Garden (TEACUP) has evolved into a green community space. The inspiration comes from an enthusiastic group of locals, excited about the development of this community space. The mantra is a "why not? Let's try" attitude. This has resulted in seed gathering, self-sowing areas and even potato plots. Regular working bees are held on the last Sunday of the month from 10am  and a social gathering on the 2nd Friday of the month at 5pm.

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Various raised and wicking garden beds with flowers, herbs and vegetables growing.
Plummer Park Community Garden

Est. 2017 Cnr Panmure and Plummer Street, South Albury

Plummer Park Community Garden is installed in the well-loved neighbourhood playground. It boasts 22 garden beds with a variety of plantings.

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Several raised garden beds with one being watered by a green watering can.
Norris Park Community Garden

Est. 2018 Sarson Road, Norris Park, Albury

Norris Park Community Garden is located in the family-friendly Anne Hogan Playground. The gardens have 12 garden beds with a variety of plantings.

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Interested in establishing a new community garden

If you are interested in establishing a new garden, please refer to the Community Garden Guidelines.

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