National Foresters Grove

A district level play space with a range of play equipment as well as outdoor basketball area, skate elements, exercise equipment and two large barbecue areas.

The district play space is located off Wagga Road, Lavington. There are many exciting things for the whole family to enjoy, including play equipment, a fitness stations, outdoor basketball facility and barbecue areas.

National Foresters Grove is a large open space area with a number of interactive areas for children and adults to use. The play area includes play equipment with shade, climbing nets, flying fox, basketball area, fitness equipment and skate/scooter elements. There are two large barbecue shelters, public toilet, ample seating and a water bottle filling station with a dog watering bowl.

NFG - Play

There are two sections of the park separated by a man made Lagoon which acts as a sediment and waste catchment. Periodically the lagoon is emptied and waste and sediment cleaned out. The two sections are linked by a timber bridge. This is a great place for family gatherings. There is plenty of street parking.

The improvements to the park have been through partnerships with NSW Forestry, Lavington Lions, Hoo Hoo Club Australian Forest Growers, The Institute of Foresters of Australia and AlburyCity.

History -  National Foresters Grove was developed in in conjunction with the International Bicentenary Forestry Conference organised by the then Australian Forest Development Institute in April 1988.

The idea was driven forward by R.L. (Bob) Newman, then Honorary National Secretary of the Australian Forest Growers Incorporated (AFDI) and received the support of the Albury City Council and a local committee of Foresters and Forest Industry people was formed. Interest particularly came from State Forests of New South Wales, Peter Crowe, Australian Newsprint Mills (now Norske Skog) staff and R.L. Newman and Partners’ staff of foresters, particularly Paul Wells.

Read More about the History of National Foresters Grove

Tree dedications - Many of the trees are dedicated to individuals or organisations that have made a significant contribution to the forestry industry.

Planned improvements

  • The improvements st the site are guided by the National Foresters Grove Master Plan
  • An upgraded play space was opened on the 2 June 2019 thanks to a NSW Government Grant through the Stronger Country Communities Grant program
  • Additional tree planting on the northern side of the bridge.
  • New public toilet block including Changing Places facility
  • Barbeque
  • Drinking fountain
  • Outdoor Basketball
  • Play Equipment
  • Public Toilets
  • Seating
  • Shelter
  • Skate/BMX
  • Local wildlife
  • Location: Lavington
  • Land Category: Park

Parks and recreation

Phone: 02 6023 8111

Wagga Road
Lavington NSW 2641