Regional Skate Park

Construction works is well underway on the Albury Regional Skate Park in David Street.

About this project

The new Albury Skate Park is now complete with the official opening held on 11 December 2021.

Construction of the new Albury Regional Skate Park commenced in April. During the construction the skate park will be closed. Other skate facilities available for use are:

The skate park proposal has been guided by skate park users and the wider community through a ‘Have a Say’ process and other feedback channels in 2018 and 2019.

The plan includes:

  • Two covered bowls – one for beginners, the other advanced
  • An extensive street skating section
  • An outdoor half basketball court
  • A fitness/parkour area

We’ve worked with skate park design specialists, PLAYCE, and skate/BMX enthusiasts to create concept designs for a skate park that will put Albury on the map as a destination for skaters and riders from far and wide.

The NSW Government, through Stronger Country Communities Fund Round three, will contribute $636,511 towards the project.

8 October 2021

AlbSk 08-10

AlbSk 08-10a

AlbSk 08-10b

24 September 2021

RSK 24-09

RSK 24-09a

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RSK 24-09c

10 September 2021

AlbSk 11-09

AlbSk 11-09a

AlbSk 11-09b

AlbSk 11-09c

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AlbSk 11-09e

27 August 2021

The structures are being constructed over the two skate areas and the picnic shelters have been installed. work continues on the skate elements and parkour areas.




6 August 2021

Parkour area is almost complete while the shelters were installed this week.




27 July 2021

The rain has slowed the concrete pours but works are still progressing.




16 July 2021

The rain this week has slowed site works. The street section is taking shape with one of the end ramps concreted this week.

RSK 16-07

RSK 16-07a

RSK 16-07b

9 July 2021

RSK 07-05

RSK 07-05a

2 July 2021

The site is taking shape with concrete work on a range of elements. Electrical works is well underway with the light poles erected this week.

RSK 02-07

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18 June 2021

RSK 19-6

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4 June 2021

RSK 04-06

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28 May 2021

Concrete works commenced this week on the first skate bowl along David Street while works on the parkour section continues.

RSK 28-05

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21 May 2021

Works on the two skate bowls along David Street continue. The concrete works in the parkour section commences.

RSK 21-05

RSK 21-05a

14 May 2021

The formwork for the second skate bowl along David Street commenced this week while the preparation of the parkour area continues.

RSK 14-05

RSK 14-05a

RSK 14-05b

7 May 2021

The skate park layout is starting to take shape with site preparation nearing completion. Formwork has commenced on the first skate bowl and the parkour area.

RSK 07-05a

RSK 07-05

30 April 2021

Works continue on site preparation of the area.

RSK 30-04

RSK 30-04a

23 April 2021

Demolition works are complete and sub-base preparation work commences.

RSK 24-04

RSK 24-04a

16 April 2021

The construction of the new skate park commenced this week. The temporary fencing has been installed, alternative pedestrian/cycling paths established around the site and demolition works are underway.

Skate 16-04-2021a

Skate 16-04-2021

9 April 2021

Contractors are scheduled to commence onsite works next week. The skate park will be closed for the duration of the construction.

26 March 2021

The construction contractor (Precision Skate Parks Pty Ltd) have been working through the designs and ordering materials. Construction is scheduled to commence in April 2021.

24 November 2020

Council awarded the construction tender to Precision Skate Parks Pty Ltd at the 24 November  2020. Works are due to commence in the new year

10 September 2020

The request for tender for the construction of the skate park has been advertised and closes on 13 October 2020

7 August 2020

Detailed design is almost complete with tender documents being prepared. The tender is scheduled to be advertised at the end of August or early September.

24 February 2020

Detailed design work is well underway and on track to be completed in April. PLAYCE have been consulting with local skaters on refining the designs. Funding has been announced from the NSW Government through Round three of Stronger Country Communities ($636,511) towards the construction and youth programming. Now that grant funding has been announced the project funding will be reviewed through the 2020-21 budget process.

22 November 2019

PLAYCE has been engaged to develop the detailed designs for the Albury Regional Skate Park. The detailed design process is well underway and is scheduled to be completed in early 2020

June 2019

Project officer Rob Sharpe and skate identity Tim Goddard chat about the next stage of the Regional Skate Park plan.