Lauren Jackson Sports Centre Upgrade

A major upgrade of the venue is required as guided by the 2018 Master Plan to ensure the centre continues to meet the needs of both community and high-level sports events.

Stage 1 construction continues

Updated: 14 November 2024
This week saw the completion of the first construction milestone with early preparation works now complete. Redevelopment works have now moved forward with new fencing erected and significant changes to building access.

  • Access to the facility will move to the south side of the building via a temporary entrance from Monday 18 November, accessible from the rear of the carpark (access to the facility will not be available via the current entrance).
  • Wayfinding signage has been erected to ensure all visitors can easily navigate the facility.
  • Temporary facilities such a toilets and changerooms are now available and are clearly signed within the building compound.
  • Visitors are encouraged to only use the large rear car park at the east end of the facility as access to the building will be from this carpark.

Further information about changes to Lauren Jackson Sport Centre and competitions as construction proceeds, will be provided as further milestones are met. Where feasible, AlburyCity are committed to managing and where possible mitigating any disruptions by ensuring the following:

  • Two courts will remain available at Lauren Jackson Sports Centre at all times during construction.
  • Two additional courts have been contracted for use at The Scots School Albury, to manage existing demand and ensure key user groups can continue to operate their competitions.

Lauren Jackson Stage 1 layout

About this project

The Lauren Jackson Sports Centre is recognised as one of Southern NSW’s major indoor multi-sport facility, attracting more than 120,000 users each year, being a significant venue for community sport and major events.

With continued growth of Albury as the hub of the region and to ensure the centre meets the needs of both community and high-level sports events, a major upgrade is required as guided by the 2018 Master Plan for the venue.

Built in 1984, the five-court, multi-sport facility is one of the largest in the region, hosting community and social sport along with local, state and national sporting events, and is home to the Border Bandits who play in the NBL1 basketball competition.

Extensive community engagement has guided the development of current plans for the upgrade of the centre with a Master Plan for the facility endorsed by Albury City Council in 2018.

Implemented over two stages, the aims of the Master Plan are to:

  • Meet the needs of the regional community
  • Generate increased physical activity within the regional community
  • Meet the needs of regional, state and national sports events
  • Comply with safety guidelines of sporting bodies

Stage 1 

Stage 1 will deliver increased active participation opportunities with a gender-equal design including family friendly features, enhanced spectator capacity and multipurpose community meeting spaces. Capacity to host large scale tournaments and events will be enhanced, bringing significant economic benefit to the region.

Deliverables include:

  • New playing surface and compliant courts
  • 2 Changerooms
  • 2 Family rooms
  • First aid room
  • Dedicated Referee room
  • Increased show court seating capacity from 1,000 to 1,400
  • A new meeting room and corporate space
  • Tournament hosting space

Key milestones that have been achieved for this project include:

  • Finalisation of detailed architectural designs
  • All construction documentation
  • Development consent issued

Stage 1 construction started in September 2024. During the works we will have two courts available at all times.

  • Location: East Albury
  • Project Cost: Stage 1 - $15M (AlburyCity contribution $10M)
  • Project Status: Stage 1 - Shovel Ready

Stage 2

Stage 2 proposes to expand the facility to the east and include, but not be limited to:

  • Addition of at least 3 more multipurpose courts to cater to the demand of a growing population
  • A major show-court, seating up to 3,000 spectators
  • A new entry, foyer, café, and corporate facilities
  • Further entertainment, conference and exhibition opportunities will complement developments in the city
  • Regional aquatic facility components including 50m program and hydrotherapy pools, leisure water components, gym, group fitness and allied health options. 
    • Please note: on Monday, 11 November 2024, Council resolved to defer preparing a request for tender for preliminary design of aquatic facilities at Lauren Jackson Sports Centre until alternative funding becomes available.

Council has endorsed the Master Plan for the redevelopment, which has gone out to the community for feedback and the project will now move to preliminary design. The significant capital cost of the proposed upgrades will require development of a funding strategy, with the project likely to be delivered over multiple stages.

  • Location: East Albury
  • Project Status: Stage 2 - Preliminary Design

A copy of the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre Stage 2 Feasibility Study and Master Plan can be found by selecting the below buttons.

LJSC S2 Feasibility StudyLJSC S2 Masterplan